Teaching Summer Term 2017

Title Dates Dates of exercises

Bachelor Computer Science

Project Group: Sicherheit in verteilten Systemeninitial meeting: 2. May 2017, 13-14 h, LBH, room II.27, LBH, further appointments on arrangement

Master Computer Science

Lecture: Usable Security and PrivacyTue 10-12AM, weekly, LBH, II.27Tue 8-10, LBH, room II.27
Seminar: Recent Topics in IT Securityintroductory meeting: Mon 24.04.2017, 11:30, LBH, room II.27 - further appointments on arrangement
Lab Course: Security in Distributed Systemsintroductory meeting: 24.04.2017, 10:45, LBH, room II.27 - further appointments on arrangement
Lab Course: Usable Security & Privacyintroductory meeting: 24.04.2017, 10:00, LBH room II.27 - further appointments on arrangement

Bachelor Lehramt

Project Group: Sicherheit in verteilten Systemeninitial meeting: 2. May 2017, 13-14 h, LBH, room II.27, LBH, further appointments on arrangement