Die Prüfungen finden an folgenden Tagen statt:
- 3. August
- 24. August
- 7. September
Folgende Zeitslots wurden bislang vergeben:
Matrikel Nummer | Zeitslot |
2865971 | 3.8., 15:00 |
3001133 | 3.8., 15:30 |
3001490 | 24.8., 15:00 |
2866851 | 24.8., 15:30 |
2899297 | 24.8., 16:00 |
3005549 | 7.9., 15:00 |
2992592 | 7.9., 15:30 |
2842397 | 7.9., 16:00 |
Falls Sie für die Prüfung zugelassen sind und noch keinen Prüfungstermin habne, stimmen Sie sich bitte per Mail mit Prof. Koch ab.
Der Raum für die Prüfungen ist 1.012 im Campus der Informatik Poppelsdorf - außer für die Prüfungen am 7.9., dort finden die Prüfungen am Fraunhofer Institut FKIE in Wachtberg statt. Bitte melden Sie sich dort an der Pforte an, Sie werden dann abgeholt.
Weiter möchten wir Sie auf die anstehende Projektgruppe aufmerksam machen. Eine Informationsveranstaltung für alle Interessenten wird es hierzu am 24.8. um 14 Uhr an der Uni Bonn geben.
Lecture: Einführung in die Sensordatenfusion
Sensor data fusion is an omnipresent phenomenon that existed prior to its technological realization or the scientific reaction on it. In fact, all living creatures, including human beings, by nature or intuitively perform sensor data fusion. Each in their own way, they combine or fuse sensations provided by different and mutually complementary sense organs with knowledge learned from previous experiences and communications from other creatures. As a result, they produce a mental picture of their individual environment, the basis of behaving appropriately in their struggle to avoid harm or successfully reach a particular goal in a given situation. Sensor Data Fusion is the process of combining incomplete and imperfect pieces of mutually complementary sensor information in such a way that a better understanding of an underlying real-world phenomenon is achieved. Typically, this insight is either unobtainable otherwise or a fusion result exceeds what can be produced from a single sensor output in accuracy, relia- bility, or cost. Appropriate collection, registration and alignment, stochastic filtering, logical analysis, space-time integration, exploitation of redundancies, quantitative evaluation, and appropriate display are part of Sensor Data Fusion as well as the integration of related context information. Today, Sensor Data Fusion is evolving at a rapid pace and present in countless everyday systems and civilian products.
- Responsible: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch, Dr. Felix Govaers
- Start: 11.04.2018
- Dates: Wed 14:00 - 16:00, weekly, HS 3
- Course number: 612100137
- Responsible: Dr. Felix Govaers, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch
- Start: 28.04.2017
- Dates: Wed 16:00 - 18:00, weekly, HS 3
- Course number: 612200137
- Term: Bachelor Computer Science
- Requirements:
- Faculty: BA-INF 137
- Effort: 2L+2E / 6CP
- Exams: Information on the exams can be found in the Introduction Slides which are offered for download below. If you have further questions, please contact
The slides and other downloads are available from within the university or via passwort. The password is announced or can be requested from Felix Govaers.
A monograph of Prof. Koch on Object Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion can be downloaded here.
Date | Slides |
11.04.18 | Lecture 1 |
18.04.18 | Lecture 2 |
25.04.18 | Lecture 3 |
02.05.18 | Lecture 4 |
09.05.18 | Lecture 5 |
30.05.18 | Lecture 6 |
06.06.18 | Lecture 7 |
13.06.18 | Lecture 8 |
20.06.18 | Lecture 9 |
27.06.18 | Lecture 10 |
18.07.18 | Lecture 12 |
Information on Sensor Data Fusion
- Introduction into Sensor Data Fusion by Wolfgang Koch
- Einladung Antrittsvorlesung von Wolfgang Koch