Lecture: Advanced Sensor Data Fusion in Distributed Systems

This lecture series is a follow-on of the lectures on "Introduction to Sensor Data Fusion - Methods and Applications" given in the winter semester by Dr. W. Koch. Based on the methods discussed and analyzed there, we proceed to methodological refinements and more advanced applications that directly lead us to the cutting edge of current research and innovative applications of Sensor Data Fusion. After a brief recapitulation of what we have learned so far, we will look into more sophisticated sensor data fusion approaches, such as particle filtering, multi sensor fusion, and distributed estimation. We will understand power of these methods in their application to fusion problems taken from in recent research projects at Fraunhofer FKIE.




  • Term: Master Computer Science
  • Requirements: Introduction to Sensor Data Fusion (applies only for credit points and Vorlesungsschein)
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3233
  • Effort: L2+E2 / 6CP


Exercise Sheets
16.04.15undefinedExercise 1
23.04.15undefinedExercise 2
29.04.15undefinedExercise 3
07.05.15undefinedExercise 4




Project Definition in Scala

Please change your build.sbt to the following:


name := "ASDF Lecture Assignment"

libraryDependencies  ++= Seq(

  "org.scalanlp" %% "breeze" % "0.11.2",

  "org.scalanlp" %% "breeze-natives" % "0.11.2",

  "org.scalanlp" %% "breeze-viz" % "0.11.2"



The slides and other downloads are available from within the university or via password. The password is announced in the lectures or can be requested at lectureSDF@fkie.fraunhofer.de

09.04.15undefinedLecture 1
16.04.15undefinedLecture 2
23.04.15undefinedLecture 3
30.04.15undefinedLecture 4
07.05.15undefinedLecture 5
21.05.15undefinedLecture 6
11.06.15undefinedLecture 7
18.06.15undefinedLecture 8
25.06.15undefinedLecture 9
02.07.15undefinedLecture 10



Scala Tutorial


(c) CRC Press

The following book is recommeded but not required for additional information on distributed tracking:


Distributed Data Fusion for Network-Centric Operations

Authors: David Hall, Chee-Yee Chong, James Llinas, Martin Liggins

2012 by CRC Press
498 Pages
ISBN 9781439858301

In particular the chapters written by Chee-Yee Chong are well suited!