Project Group: Sichere IT-Systeme


  • Responsible: Dr. Marc-Philipp Ohm
  • Start: t.b.a.
  • Dates: weekly, exact dates and location t.b.a.
  • Course number: n.a.


  • Term: Bachelor Cyber Security, Bachelor Computer Science, Bachelor Lehramt
  • Requirements:
  • Faculty: BA-INF 051/052
  • Effort: 2S+3P / 9CP

The topics offered will be supervised by staff members of the Institute of Computer Science in Poppelsdorf as well as staff members of Fraunhofer FKIE (Zanderstraße). This includes regular meetings and/or provision of working environments.

Location preferences can be indicated in the registration form and will be considered, if possible

Further Information

This module is only offered in the German study program "Cyber Security" - information is available in German only. Click the German flag at the top of the page to navigate to the German section.