Lecture: IT Security

The lecture serves as an introduction to the Cyber Security master studies. Different lecturers present their available lectures and personal active research interests to teach about the motivation, challenges and objectives in these fields. If you are interested in taking further modules on IT Security such as lectures, seminars, labs, thesis, etc. this lecture is a good opportunity to get to know the variety of topics offered in Bonn. The different topics in this lecture usually cover: privacy, cryptographic protocols, network security, supply chain attacks, management of identity data, low-level software analysis, software testing, side channel attacks, anomaly detection, human factors in security.




  • Term: Master Computer Science, Master Cyber Security
  • Requirements: Fundamental knowledge in the following areas: operating systems, networks, security
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3236
  • Effort: 2L+2E / 6 CP
  • Follow-up/Side-events: Seminar on "Selected Topics in IT-Security", Lab-Course "IT-Security"

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Mailing list

The course material, announcements and all important information (e.g., the dates of examination) are provided via mailing list only. It is also free for discussion related to the contents of the lecture and exercises.


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Lecture Material

The lecture material and exercise sheets are published on Sciebo. The password will be announced in the first lecture.


Note: Additional material might be distributed via the mailing list, so make sure you are subscribed!