Lecture: IT Security
The lecture serves as an introduction to the Cyber Security master studies. Different lecturers present their available lectures and personal active research interests to teach about the motivation, challenges and objectives in these fields. If you are interested in taking further modules on IT Security such as lectures, seminars, labs, thesis, etc. this lecture is a good opportunity to get to know the variety of topics offered in Bonn. The different topics in this lecture usually cover: privacy, cryptographic protocols, network security, supply chain attacks, management of identity data, low-level software analysis, software testing, side channel attacks, anomaly detection, human factors in security.
- Responsible: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, Ben Swierzy
- Start: 10.10.2024
- Dates: Thu 14-16, weekly, HSZ - HS 3
- Course number: 612213236
- Responsible: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, Ben Swierzy
- Start: 17.10.2024
- Dates: Thu 12-14, weekly, HSZ - HS7
- Course number:
- Term: Master Computer Science, Master Cyber Security
- Requirements: Fundamental knowledge in the following areas: operating systems, networks, security
- Faculty: MA-INF 3236
- Effort: 2L+2E / 6 CP
- Follow-up/Side-events: Seminar on "Selected Topics in IT-Security", Lab-Course "IT-Security"
Exam Dates
First Exam: 17th Feb 2025, 9:30 am, HSZ-HS2
Second Exam: 17th Mar 2025, 9:30 am, Meckenheimer Allee 176, HS IV
Note: The exact starting time will be announced via the mailing list.
Mailing list
The course material, announcements and all important information (e.g., the dates of examination) are provided via mailing list only. It is also free for discussion related to the contents of the lecture and exercises.
You find the archive of the mailing list here:
Lecture Material
The lecture material and exercise sheets are published on Sciebo. The password will be announced in the first lecture.
Note: Additional material might be distributed via the mailing list, so make sure you are subscribed!
I cannot connect to Flavius. What should I do?
You need to be in the computer science network, for example, by using the GSG VPN. Note that the university VPN/network is not sufficient!
I think there is a mistake with the exercise corrections. Why did we only get X out of 10 points?
Please write an e-mail to your tutor or lecturer for that specific topic.
I would like to change my group. Is that possible?
Yes, it is possible to change your group in Flavius. However, try to switch directly after the corrections. Otherwise, you will receive the points for the solution handed in by the new group that you joined.
How do I find students for a submission group?
You can ask your peer students in the lecture, via the mailing list or on the unofficial Discord. This is your responsibility and the organizers cannot help you with finding a submission group.
I need a signature to obtain a CS account. What should I do?
Please send a digital version of the document including YOUR signature to the organizers. They will sign it and forward it to the GSG.
I received my CS account a bit late and would like to get the points for the missed sheets. What should I do?
If you messaged the organizer before the first sheet, just log into Flavius and join your submission group. Then you can message the organizer again, and they will award you the points of the group.
Should we merge the merge request?
No, you should neither merge the merge request nor close the merge request. Just pushing your solution to the correct branch is sufficient.
The pipeline is failing. Why?
Make sure you pushed your solutions to the correct branch, that you named the submitted files correctly and that they are located in the correct folder. Furthermore, you can take a look at the pipeline output.
Is there an issue with the pipeline?
Write an e-mail to the mailing list and other students or the organizer will help you.