Title | | Dates | | Dates of exercises |
Bachelor Computer Science |
Lecture: Reaktive Sicherheit | | Wed. 13.30 (s.t.) - 15.00, weekly, AVZ III / Römerstr. 164, HS 1, first lecture: 13.10. | | Wed. 15.00 (c.t.) - 17.00, weekly, AVZ III / Römerstr. 164, HS 2, first exercise 27.10. |
Lecture: Systemnahe Programmierung | | Mon. 13 (c.t.) to 15, weekly, AVZ III / Römerstr. 164 - HS 2 | | |
Diploma (Graduate) |
Lecture: Reaktive Sicherheit | | Wed. 13.30 (s.t.) - 15.00, weekly, AVZ III / Römerstr. 164, HS 1, first lecture: 13.10. | | Wed. 15.00 (c.t.) - 17.00, weekly, AVZ III / Römerstr. 164, HS 2, first exercise 27.10. |
Lab Course: Reaktive Sicherheit | | March 2011 | | |