Lecture: IT Security

The lecture introduces to selected active research fields of IT security researchers at University of Bonn and Fraunhofer FKIE. If you are interested in what research we are working on or willing to join us during your studies in seminars, labs, thesis, etc. this lecture is a good opportunity to get in touch with our running research work. Topics of lectures will include: security threats; advanced network security: internet routing security, network attack detection; cryptographic key management; advanced host security; network anomaly detection; privacy and pseudonymization; side channel attacks.




  • Term: Master Computer Science
  • Requirements: Fundamental knowledge in the following areas: operating systems, networks, security
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3236
  • Effort: 2L+2E / 6 CP
  • Follow-up/Side-events: Seminar on "Selected Topics in IT-Security", Lab-Course "IT-Security"

Post-exam review

The post-exam review will take place on wednesday, 03.08.2022, 11am-12am at the seminar room U1.039. Please bring your student ID and your pass.

10Kstudents Challenge


Lecture and Exercise Session

The lecture and the exercise session is held on site in lecture room 3. You can watch the live stream at undefinedhttps://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/69481172725?pwd=MGxwWkh0UGt6ei9zY1h1U2k1bkVCUT09 Meeting ID: 694 8117 2725; Passcode: 53115

You find general information on the lectures and exercise sessions undefinedhere.

Final Exam

The exam is planned to take place on

  • 18.07.2022, 15 - 17, Lecture Hall 1
  • 05.09.2022, 09 - 11, Meckenheimer Allee 176 - HS II & IV

Mailing list

The course material, announcements and all important information (e.g., the dates of examination) are provided via mailing list only. It is also free for discussion related to the contents of the lecture and exercises.
