Lecture: IT Security
The lecture introduces to selected active research fields of IT security researchers at University of Bonn and Fraunhofer FKIE. If you are interested in what research we are working on or willing to join us during your studies in seminars, labs, thesis, etc. this lecture is a good opportunity to get in touch with our running research work. Topics of lectures will include: security threats; advanced network security: internet routing security, network attack detection; cryptographic key management; advanced host security; network anomaly detection; privacy and pseudonymization; side channel attacks.
- Responsible: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier
- Start: 23.04.2020
- Dates: Thu 10:00-12:00, weekly, HSZ - HS3
- Course number: 612113236
- Responsible: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, u.M.
- Start: 30.04.2020
- Dates: Thu 8:30-10:00, weekly, HSZ - HS3
- Course number: 612213236
- Term: Master Computer Science
- Requirements: Fundamental knowledge in the following areas: operating systems, networks, security
- Faculty: MA-INF 3236
- Effort: 2L+2E / 6 CP
- Follow-up/Side-events: Seminar on "Selected Topics in IT-Security", Lab-Course "IT-Security"
Final Exam
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the final exams are conducted online. After questioning a group of computer science students, we conclude that about 30% of our students are in the Covid risk group or do have close contact to persons in the Covid risk group.
Registration to the exam is via basis (as always).
If you meet technical problems during the exam, you are allowed to withdraw from the exam. All technical problems have to be reportet immediately.
We offer exactly one rehearsal on Sunday, 26.07.2020 at 9 a.m.. There, you can test the setting of the exam. You have to be on time and enter the following room with your full name.
The first online exam is conducted on Monday, 27.07.2020 at 12:00 p.m. here:
You have to be on time and enter the following room with your full name.
The decond online exam is conducted on Monday, 07.09.2020 at 12:00 p.m. here:
You have to be on time and enter the following room with your full name.
Conditions and Schedule of the exam
The exam is conducted at your desk that is equipped as follows.
- Stable internet connection
- Recent browser
- Microphone
- Webcam (or a device that can broadcast for about three hours straight. The webcam does not have to be your property. It is enough to borrow or lend a device. Your fellow students report that the "GoXtreme Rebel Action Cam Webcam" works fine and is available for about 40 Euro at Conrad's online shop. Right now, there are more than 450 webcams still available. Shipping in Germany takes 2 to 4 workdays.)
- Printer (It does not have to be your property. It is enough to borrow or lend a device.)
- Digital camera (e.g., at your smartphone)
- Pen and paper
In case you do not know anybody having said device(s) and if you cannot afford to buy said device(s), please contact the ASTA for financial support (https://www.asta-bonn.de) or write send an email to us. We believe that the additional effort is justified to save those that are in or in contact with the Covid risk group.
The schedule of the exam is as follows.
You prepare your desk:
- You use your full name in the BigBlueButton instance.
- Microphone and Webcam are switched on. The transmitted video stream is exclusively available to the research assistants and the lecturers monitoring the exam. The students do not see each other.
- The research assistants and the lecturers check your identity. Have your student id and photo id ready.
- Your video stream has to show your face (side-face is enough), your study desk and your hands.
- Pen, paper and digital camera have to visible on the video stream.
You print the exam:
- After each student has prepared the video stream and the desk, you all have time to use the toilet.
- Then, the access to the exam is send to you in the BigBlueButton public chat.
- You print the exam.
- You are allowed to read the exam, however, you are not yet allowed to write down your solutions.
- After every student had printed out the exam (or 15 minutes after publishing the access to the exam), you may start.
- The exam is solved on you personal paper with your pen.
You solve the exam:
- You are monitored by the research assistants and the lecturers.
- You are not allowed to leave the room during this phase of the exam.
- You are not allowed to use any study material, books, electronic devices or third parties.
- You are allowed to ask questions.
- You have 60 minutes to write down your answers.
You send us a digital copy of your solutions as well as the physical solutions to the exam:
- After the writing phase, you take a photo or scan of your solutions and upload them to the given Sciebo directory.
- 15 minutes after the writing phase, we do not accept any uploads.
- You physical solutions to the exam are send to our office. We do not accept any physical solutions that do not arrive in the office later than seven days after the exam: Felix Boes, Informatik 4, Endenicher Allee 19C, 53115 Bonn.
- If you do not reside in the EU during the exam, let us know in advance.
Lecture and Exercise Session
The Lecture and the exercise session is held using BigBlueButton: https://bbb4mm.informatik.uni-bonn.de/b/it--w7r-nzk
As a fallback, we stream the first lecture via Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOcVKGFXFLflT5-0rgHEXGw/
The lectures are not recoded.
You find general information on the lectures and exercise sessions here.
If you have issues with using BigBlueButton, you might need to use an updated web browser and use a VPN Client to connect into the university net. See https://www.hrz.uni-bonn.de/en/services/internet-and-network-access/vpn?set_language=en or
Mailing list
In order to get access to the online test portal, each student should have subscribed to the mailing list!
Further information, announcements and slides are provided via mailing list only. It is also free for discussion related to the contents of the lecture and exercises.
Students have to subscribe to the list in order to register for the exercises.
Please visit the following link to subscribe to/unsubscribe from the list: