Lab Course: IT Security (IPEC)



  • Term: IPEC
  • Requirements:
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3229
  • Effort: 4 P / 9 CP

The topics offered will be supervised by staff members of the Institute of Computer Science (now LBH, later Poppelsdorf) as well as staff members of Fraunhofer FKIE (Zanderstraße). This includes regular meetings and/or provision of working environments.

Location preferences can be indicated in the registration form and will be considered, if possible

This lab/seminar is part of the International Program of Excellence (IPEC at the B-IT) and will take place as a block course during the semester break.

Registering for an IPEC lab or seminar course using the registration form for seminars and labs is not offered anymore. Doing an IPEC seminar lab is only possible after personal agreement with the supervising research assistant.

As part of the IPEC program, this lab has a very limited number of places and is offered only to excellent students after arrangement with the supervising researcher. It is not possible to register for it using our regular registration forms.

Important Note:

The Institute of Computer Science is due to move to Poppelsdorf this summer. For this reason, the block lab will probably not take place in the Summer Term of 2017! Depending on the actual situation, we will try to offer individual arrangements.
Updated information will be posted here.