Ben Swierzy, M.Sc.


Phone: +49 228 73-54218
Fax: +49 228 73-54254
PGP public key: 0xFF117FB4
Visitor address: Institute of Computer Science 4
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
D-53115 Bonn
Postal address: Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5
Room: 1.015

Research Interests

  • Version Detection
  • TLS
  • Network Architectures and Protocols
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Low-Level OS/Hardware oriented topics



  • IT Security: Version Detection (Lecture)
  • IT Security: Applied Binary Exploitation (Lecture)
  • Resource-Efficient Internet Scanning Pipeline (PG)
  • Design and Performance Analysis of a FPGA-based SDR receiver for digital modulation schemes (BA)
  • Automatic Generation and Configuration of TLS clients (Lab)
  • Obfuscation of tunneled TLS handshakes for censorship circumvention (BA)


  • Analyzing the Efficiency of Internet Censorship Measures (BA)
  • IT Security: Applied Binary Exploitation (Lecture)
  • IT Security: Domain-specific Automated Software Testing (Lecture)
  • Analyzing the Potency of PLP models for Automated Code Repair (BA)
  • Emulation of distributed Systems (PG)
  • RISC-V Support for the Side Channel CPU Emulator (Lab)


  • IT Security: Web Security (Lecture)
  • Security Analysis of a Smart Home Surveillance Camera (Lab)
  • Implementation of Symbolic Execution for PHP 8.3 (PG)
  • Functionality and Utilization of TLS 1.3 (BA)
  • Secure Distributed Sensor Networks for Device Location Tracking (MA)
  • Breaking Physical Layer Key Exchange with Multiple Antennas (PG)


Maximilian Leiwig, Ben Swierzy, Christian Bungartz, Michael Meier
Analyzing the Potency of Pretrained Transformer Models for Automated Program Repair (2024)

Ben Swierzy, Felix Boes, Timo Pohl, Christian Bungartz, Michael Meier
SoK: Automated Software Testing for TLS Libraries (2024)

B. Swierzy, M. Hoffmann, F. Boes, F. Betke, L. Hein, M. Shevchishin, J. Sohn, M. Meier
TEEM: A CPU Emulator for Teaching Transient Execution Attacks (2024)

Daniel Vogel, Markus Krämer, Ben Swierzy, Daniel Meyer, Michael Meier
On the feasibility of detecting non-cooperative Wi-Fi devices via a single Wi-Fi-Router (2023)

Ben Swierzy, Markus Krämer, Daniel Vogel, Daniel Meyer, Michael Meier
Analyzing the Feasibility of Privacy-Respecting Automated Tracking of Devices Fleeing a Burglary (2023)