Datenschutzkonforme Informationsfusion und Risikobewertung zur Prävention von Identitätsbetrug und Minderung von Ausfallrisiko

- Funding: BMBF
- Duration: 15.12.2022 - 14.12.2025
- Contact: Melina Hoffmann
Brief description
The objective of DARIA is the development of blocking notices for stolen identity data of private victims and the provision of cooperative risk assessments for partner companies are the central goals of this project. A risk trust is to replace the credit agency, which manages pseudonymized blocking notices and risk data that replace the users' plain text profiles. The primary goal of the DARIA project is the theoretical and technical design of such blocking notices and risk assessments based on pseudonymized data. Another focus is on the data protection-compliant implementation of risk trusteeship. In order to ensure legal certainty, the legal project partners from FIZ in Karlsruhe are examining the compatibility of the concepts with applicable data protection, liability, criminal and IT security laws. At the same time, the psychological partners from the University of Duisburg-Essen are investigating which factors affect the trust and acceptance of consumers for such a central risk trust and how those affected can be effectively informed.
More Information on the project's website of DARIA