Lecture: Principles of Distributed Systems




  • Term: Master Computer Science
  • Requirements:
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3105, B-IT Media Informatics
  • Effort: 2L+2E / 6 CP (Master), 4 CP (B-IT MI)


  • Please note: The room for the resit exams has changed to room III.00.
  • The schedule for the resit exams is undefinedonline.
  • The resit exams for PDS take place on 26.03.2015 in room III.00 of the LBH building. The poll for the appointments is online and has to be completed till March 8. The link was sent to the PDS mailing list. 
  • The oral examination takes place in the following rooms:

    • 11.02.15: LBH building, Friedrich Ebert Allee 144, Room III.00
    • 19.03.15 and 23.02.15: LBH building, Friedrich Ebert Allee 144, Room II.27/27a

  • The schedule for the oral examination is undefinedonline. Some students did register for the exam and passed the project but did not take part in the poll. Those should contact me as soon as possible in order to find an appointment for the exam.
  • Project results are online
  • Students that passed the module MAINF3101 and intend to improve their result by taking the exam in MAINF3105 need to fill out the following form: http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/fileadmin/ics/teaching/bsc/forms/Notenverbesserung_01.pdf
    The form needs to be handed to undefinedJulia Kouchaki three weeks ahead of the exam.
  • The poll for the oral examination appointments is online and has to be completed till January 27. The link was sent to the PDS mailing list.
  • For the submission of the project solutions please adhere to the submission guidelines.
  • The time schedule for the project presentations is online. The presentations will take place in the LBH building, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144 in room III.00 (third floor).
  • Subscribe to the lecture's mailing list undefinedhere.
  • Important: The first lecture takes place on October 13. There will be no lecture on October 6. This slot is used for an introductory lecture for new master students. Details on the introductory lecture will be announced by the master program office.
  • The lecture on December 22nd has been postponed to the slot of the exercise session (12:00-13:00) on January 19th.


The lecture Principles of Distributed Systems will be offered by the external lecturer Dr. Markus Esch (senior researcher in Fraunhofer FKIE) in cooperation with the Institute of Computer Science 4 (Prof. Dr. Peter Martini). It is as well a lecture in the study program of B-IT Media Informatics.

Lecture slides

Access to the slides requires a username and a password, which will be announced in the first lecture.

If you were not present during the first lecture, please ask your fellow students or come by our offices. Note that passwords must not be sent through unencrypted e-mail.

ChapterPDF file



1. Motivation



2. Architectures



3. Processes



4. Networks



5. Synchronization




6. Fault Tolerance



7. Consistency


8. P2P Networks


9. Complex Networks


Assignment Sheets

The PDF files can be viewed and printed with Adobe Reader. The program is undefinedavailable for free and installed on nearly all hosts of the institute.

Information on tutorials/exercises will be found here in time.

PDF file Supplementary material

undefinedGroup List

undefinedSubmission Instructions

undefinedTime schedule for project presentations


undefinedExercise Sheet 1
undefinedExercise Sheet 2
undefinedExercise Sheet 3
undefinedExercise Sheet 4