Lecture: Malware Analysis

The lecture is offered for Master Computer Science. Lecture and Exercises/Tutorials will be given in English language. The lecture is offered for the master's degree in computer science. Lecture and exercise will be held in English. Both the lecture and the exercise will be held in person at the Fraunhofer FKIE in Bad Godesberg (Zanderstr. 5) and streamed via Zoom (https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/j/68576231554?pwd=bzhIbVdWRkxweW9naUh0aUt4ci9WZz09). To attend this lecture and access all further information, please register at http://register.malware-analysis.ovh **before April 28th**.


  • Responsible: Prof. Dr. Elmar Padilla
  • Start: 04.04.2025
  • Dates: Fri 09:00-10:30, weekly, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstr. 5. Hybrid event
  • Course number:
  • Course number: 614032390


  • Responsible: Prof. Dr. Elmar Padilla
  • Start: 11.04.2025
  • Dates: Fri 10:45-12:15, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstr. 5. Hybrid event


  • Term: Master Computer Science, Master Cyber Security
  • Requirements:
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3239
  • Effort: 2L+2E / 6CP
  • Follow-up/Side-events: