Lecture: Mobile Communication

The lecture is offered for Master Computer Science (module MA-INF 3202) Lecture and Exercises/Tutorials will be given in English language.




  • Term: Master Computer Science
  • Requirements: Basic knowledge of communications systems and protocols, e.g. from a Bachelor course on computer networks (or similar topics)
  • Faculty: MA-INF 3202
  • Effort: 2L+2E / 6CP
  • Follow-up/Side-events: We are offering a periodical seminar and a lab in each semester. However, the research activities of our department ar currently focused on IT security, thus it is not foreseeable how many topics related to Mobile Communication will be on offer.


Exam dates (in person):

  • 1st exam: 2022-07-26, 10:00 - 12:00, Friedrich-Hirzebruch Allee 5 - Hörsaal 2
  • 2nd exam: 2022-09-14, 14:00 - 16:00, Meckenheimer Allee 176 - Hörsaal IV

For hybrid lectures: Here is the undefinedBBB room

  • 2022-06-24: The practical exercise sheet is completed now, we would be grateful if you returned the LoRa ESP32 boards to us, the best opportunity for that is right after the lecture.
  • 2022-05-24: Exercise sheet 08 includes a practical task for which you need a small device called a LoRa32 microcontroller. We hand some out in the lecture today as well as next week, but you can also come by our office to grab one. All details will be explained on the exercise sheet which is expected to be released tomorrow.
  • 2022-04-19: We noticed that there are multiple students which registered a PECAS group but do not appear in our list of participants that was derived from the registrations in TVS. We do not have any means to contact such students directly because we only know the GitLab account name and don't have any names, matriculation numbers or email addresses. If this description fits you, YOU NEED TO BECOME ACTIVE. Please send an e-mail to the orga mailing list, containing the names, matriculation numbers, CS account names and e-mail addresses of all participants of your PECAS group. GitLab-participants that do not appear in our list of participants will be removed from repositories, futhermore the PECAS registration system will be closed, by the end of this week.
  • 2022-04-05:
    • The MoCo lecture officially started with the hybrid lecture on April 5th, 2021.
    • For the MoCo course we plan to live stream the lecture and exercise sheets will be handed out online and have to be submitted online as well. The tutorials, which are not mandatory to attend, however, will be in presence only; as well as the exam(s) at the end of the course.
    • During this meeting, we discussed all important information about the lecture, exercises, etc. The presented organizational slides and the recording can be found below on this website. Make sure to register in TVS

Prerequisites (recommended)

We recommend existing basic knowledge on computer networks and communication systems protocols, e.g. coming from appropriate courses of your Bachelor programme. For the Uni Bonn German programme "Bachelor Informatik" we recommend participation in the course BA-INF 101 "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemem (KIVS)". All lecture material (slides, assignment sheets, ...) is available in English language and maybe helpful also for Master students who have not done the BA degree in Bonn. You can access the recent course material (of winter term 2021/22) here on the KIVS web page (no username/password required from within the University computer network).


Mobility Management in the Internet, Wireless Communication Basics, Wireless Networking Technologies, Cellular/Mobile Communication Networks (voice and data communication), Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks.

Mailing List - "Mobile Communication"

The mailing list "vl-moco" is used for news and organizational information concerning the lecture "Mobile Communication". An additional purpose is to discuss problems, e.g. with viewing or printing slides or assignment sheets. More information on subscribing the mailing list can be found undefinedhere. The mails on the list are being archived.

Slides and Presentations

The access credentials can either be obtained from undefinedthis eCampus course of the first slide set. No credentials are necessary if you are within the university network, either physically ot via the undefineduniversity VPN (Uni-ID required) or the undefinedcomputer science VPN (computer science account required).

The list of chapters and subsections is preliminary and maybe subject to slight changes.

  • Links to Hybrid Lecture Recordings can be found undefinedHERE
  • And Recordings from Online Lecture can be found on the homepage from Summer Term 2021 (as described in the Orga slides)
Orga Information about Lecture, Exercise, Registration, Admission & Exam
0. Important information about this lecture undefinedSlides
1. Introduction

1.1. Everything moves …
1.2. Mobility versus portability
1.3. Mobile devices
1.4. Wireless communication
1.5. Mobile communication and the layer model


2. Wireless Communication Basics

2.1. Signal Propagation Characteristics
2.2. Modulation Schemes
2.3. Multiple Access Schemes
2.4. Wireless Links


3. Wireless Technologies Overview

3.1. Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11 

undefinedSlides 1-27

undefinedSlides 28-84

3.2. Bluetooth undefinedSlides
3.3. WiMAX - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (IEEE 802.16)
(cf. announcements in the lectures …)


Will not be discussed in the live lecture (and will not be relevant for the exams).

A undefined30 min. video of 3.3. on WiMAX is available from SS 2021. 

4. LoRa and LoRaWAN - Long Range Wide Area Networks



5. Cellular phone network: GSM, HSCSD, EDGE, GPRS

5.1. Motivation + Overview of GSM
5.2. GSM Network: Architecture and Concepts
5.3. Data Services in GSM: CSD and HSCSD
5.4. Packet-oriented Data Service: GPRS

undefinedSlides 1-49

undefinedSlides 50-84 

6. Mobility Management in (Wireless) Networks

6.1. Mobility in the Internet – Mobile IP
6.2. Mobility Management Internet vs. GSM/GPRS
6.3. Further Information
undefinedSlides 1-28

7. Third generation (3G) mobile communication and beyond

7.1. Generations' Overview: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G
7.2. Overview of 3G/UMTS and its architecture
7.3. WCDMA Principles, Spread Spectrum
7.4. Support of mobility: Macro-diversity & Handover
7.5. Breathing cells & Power Control
7.6. Outlook: Future generations of mobile communication, 3.5G++

undefinedSlides 1-37

undefinedSlides 38-58


Assignment Sheets

PDF file Supplementary files Further Information
undefinedSheet 01
undefinedSheet 02
undefinedSheet 03 undefinedmeasurements
undefinedSheet 04
undefinedSheet 05
undefinedSheet 06
undefinedSheet 07
undefinedSheet 08
undefinedSheet 09
undefinedSheet 10 undefinedcelltowers
undefinedSheet 11