Dipl.-Inform. Christoph Barz
Research Interests
Highspeed Networking
Grid Computing
Selected Publications
A. Willner, C. Barz, J. Garcia Espin, J. Ferrer Riera, S. Figuerola
Harmony: Advance Reservations in Heterogeneous Multi-domain Environments
Proceedings of the 8th IFIP Networking conference, Springer's LNCS, May 2009
C. Barz, U. Bornhauser, P. Martini, M.Pilz, C. de Waal, A. Willner
ARGON: Reservation in Grid-enabled Networks
Proceedings of the 1. DFN-Forum on Communication Technologies, Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 2008
C. Barz, M.Pilz, A. Wichmann
Proceedings of the CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France, May 2008
C. Barz, U. Bornhauser, P.Martini, M.Pilz
Proceedings of the IASTED Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN2008), Innsbruck, Austria, February 2008
C. Barz, P. Martini, M. Pilz and F. Purnhagen
Experiments on Network Services for the Grid
Proceedings of the IEEE Local Computer Networks Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 2007
C. Barz, T. Eickermann, M. Pilz, O. Wäldrich, L. Westphal and W. Ziegler
Co-Allocating Compute and Network Resources - Bandwidth on Demand in the VIOLA Testbed
CoreGRID Symposium, CoreGRID Series, Towards Next Generation Grids, Springer, Rennes, France, August 2007, pp. 193 - 202
C. Barz, M. Pilz, T. Eickermann, L. Kirtchakova, O. Wäldrich and W. Ziegler
Co-Allocation of Compute and Network Resources in the VIOLA-Testbed
Terena Networking Conference 2006, Sicily, Italy, May 2006
M. Wolf, T. Leinmüller, A. Petrescu, C. Janneteau, H. Lach, C. Barz, M. Frank, M. Pilz, M. Ronai and K. Fodor, R. Tönjes
IPv6 based OverDRiVE Moving Networks for Vehicles
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) News, Vol. 52, No. 4, November 2005
M. Lies, P. Sevenich, C. Karg and C. Barz
Resource Management in Tactical Military Networks
Proceedings of the RTO IST-054 Symposium on 'Military Communications', Rome, Italy, April 2005
C. Barz, M. Frank, P. Martini and M. Pilz
Receiver-Based Path Capacity Estimation for TCP
KIVS'05, Kaiserslautern, Germany, February/March 2005
M. Lies, P. Sevenich, C. Barz, M. Pilz, P. Lubkowski, R. Brys and J. Milewski
The Effective QoS Mechanism for Real Time Services in IP Military Network
6th NATO RCMCIS, Zegrze, Poland, October 6-8, 2004
A. Petrescu, H. Lach, C. Janneteau, M. Wolf, T. Leinmüller, C. Barz, M. Pilz, M. Frank and R. Tönjes
IPv6-based OverDRiVE Moving Networks: Mobility Management and Testbed Implementation
13th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications, Lyon, France, June 27-30, 2004
C. Barz, M. Pilz and M. Frank
Complementary Topics for Moving Networks -Dynamic IVAN Management and Intra-Vehicular Mobility
HyWiN workshop, Turin, Italy, December 2003
C. Barz, R. Göpffarth, P. Martini and A. Wenzel
A new Framework for the Analysis of Simultaneous Events
Proceedings of the SCSC'03 (Summer Computer Simulation Conference), Montreal, Canada, July 2003
C. Barz, M. Frank, H. Lach, C. Maihoefer, A. Petrescu, M. Pilz and L. Zombik
Network Access Control in OverDRiVE Mobile Networks
12th IST Summit on Mobile and Wireless Communications, Aveiro, Portugal, June 15-18, 2003