Dynamic Partitioning for Efficient Distributed Simulation of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks


Brief description

The performance evaluation of mechanisms and protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is often done via simulation. Nowadays, the network scenarios of interest are often very large and still continue to grow larger, which usually results in excessive simulation execution times. Therefore, distributed simulations on multiple CPUs or computer clusters are highly interesting for MANET scenarios in order to speed up and facilitate the simulation of very large scenarios. Highly crucial aspects of distributed simulation are a well-chosen partitioning of the scenario as well as an efficient synchronization of the participating CPUs and hosts at simulation run time. However, due to the high dynamics of MANETs, static partitioning and synchronization strategies may fail to provided the desired effects. Instead, it is promising to consider dynamic strategies in order to gain the maximum benefits from distributed simulation of such scenarios. The goal of this project is to develop new parallel and distributed simulation techniques based on the idea of dynamic partitioning, with the ultimate goal to provide a way of efficiently realizing distributed simulations of MANET scenarios.