Title | | Dates | | Dates of exercises |
Bachelor Computer Science |
Lecture: Grundlagen der IT-Sicherheit | | Mon, Thu 16:00 - 18:00, weekly, HSZ - HS 2 | | Will be announced in the lecture |
Lecture: Intelligente Sehsysteme | | Di. 10-12 (c.t.), HSZ - HS7 | | Mon 12-14, Tue 12-14, Wed 12-14, Thu 16-18, room U1.039 (Temporary schedule! Final schedule to be announced at the beginning of the semester) |
Lecture: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen | | Thu. 10 (c.t.) to 12, weekly, HSZ - HS7 | | Thu. 12 (c.t.) to 14, weekly, HSZ - HS7, additional exercises on announcement |
Lecture: Systemnahe Programmierung | | Tue. 14:15 to 15:45, weekly, HSZ - HS2 | | will be announced in the first lecture |
Project Group: Firmware Security Bootcamp | | 9th March - mid April 2020 | | |
Project Group: IT-Sicherheit | | weekly, exact dates and location t.b.a. | | |
Project Group: Intelligente Sehsysteme | | Di 14-16, Raum 1.012 | | |
Project Group: Kommunikationssysteme | | weekly, dates and location tba | | |
Project Group: Nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung sicherer Systeme | | registration via email until 15.10.2019; introductory meeting 15.10.2019, 10:00-12:00, U1.011; further appointments on arrangement | | |
Project Group: Sicherheit in verteilten Systemen | | expose until 08.10.2019, response until 15.10.2019, appointments on arrangement | | |
Bachelor Cyber Security |
Lecture: Grundlagen der IT-Sicherheit | | Mon, Thu 16:00 - 18:00, weekly, HSZ - HS 2 | | Will be announced in the lecture |
Lecture: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen | | Thu. 10 (c.t.) to 12, weekly, HSZ - HS7 | | Thu. 12 (c.t.) to 14, weekly, HSZ - HS7, additional exercises on announcement |
Lecture: Systemnahe Programmierung | | Tue. 14:15 to 15:45, weekly, HSZ - HS2 | | will be announced in the first lecture |
Master Computer Science |
Lecture: Foundations of Audio Signal Processing | | Thu. 16:00-17:30, weekly, HSZ - HS 3 | | Thu. 17:30 - 19:00, weekly, HSZ - HS 3 |
Lecture: Introduction to Sensor Data Fusion | | Wed 14 - 16, weekly, HSZ - HS 7 | | Wed 16 - 18, weekly, HSZ - HS7 |
Lecture: Program Analysis and Binary Exploitation (PABE) | | Fri 12:00 to 14:00, weekly, HSZ - HS7 ATTENTION: First lecture on Oct. 11 starts at 2 p.m.! | | Fri. 14 - 16, bi-weekly, HSZ - HS7 |
Seminar: Selected Topics in Communication Management | | t. b. a. | | |
Seminar: Selected Topics in IT Security | | time and location t.b.a. | | |
Seminar: Selected Topics in Malware Analysis and Computer/Network Security (Block Course) | | Block 02+03/2020 (exact dates t.b.a.) | | |
Seminar: Sensor Data Fusion | | on arrangement | | |
Seminar: Usable Security & Privacy | | expose until 08.10.2019, response until 15.10.2019, appointments on arrangement | | |
Lab Course: Communication and Communicating Devices (semester course) | | t.b.a. | | |
Lab Course: IT Security (IPEC Block Course) | | Feb. - Mar. 2020, exact dates and location t.b.a. | | |
Lab Course: IT Security (semester course) | | weekly, time and location t.b.a. | | |
Lab Course: Malware Analysis | | Block 02+03/2020 (exact dates t.b.a.) | | |
Lab Course: Security in Distributed Systems | | expose until 08.10.2019, response until 15.10.2019, appointments on arrangement | | |
Lab Course: Sensor Data Interpretation | | Wed 16-18, weekly, room 1.012 | | |
Lab Course: Usable Security & Privacy | | expose until 08.10.2019, response until 15.10.2019, appointments on arrangement | | |
Lab Course: Communication and Communicating Devices (IPEC block course) | | 02 + 03/2020, exact dates t.b.a. | | |
Lab Course: IT Security (IPEC Block Course) | | Feb. - Mar. 2020, exact dates and location t.b.a. | | |
Project Group: Firmware Security Bootcamp | | 9th March - mid April 2020 | | |
Bachelor Lehramt |
Lecture: Grundlagen der IT-Sicherheit | | Mon, Thu 16:00 - 18:00, weekly, HSZ - HS 2 | | Will be announced in the lecture |
Lecture: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen | | Thu. 10 (c.t.) to 12, weekly, HSZ - HS7 | | Thu. 12 (c.t.) to 14, weekly, HSZ - HS7, additional exercises on announcement |
Lecture: Systemnahe Programmierung | | Tue. 14:15 to 15:45, weekly, HSZ - HS2 | | will be announced in the first lecture |
Project Group: IT-Sicherheit | | weekly, exact dates and location t.b.a. | | |
Project Group: Kommunikationssysteme | | weekly, dates and location tba | | |
Project Group: Nutzerzentrierte Entwicklung sicherer Systeme | | registration via email until 15.10.2019; introductory meeting 15.10.2019, 10:00-12:00, U1.011; further appointments on arrangement | | |
Project Group: Sicherheit in verteilten Systemen | | expose until 08.10.2019, response until 15.10.2019, appointments on arrangement | | |