Archived news at the Department 4
The following news have already been archived:
Invited Talks
Tuesday, 15.07.2008, 15:00 to 15:45, HS II (Altbau, Römerstraße 164)
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Oliver Schillberg: "Implementation, Integration und Evaluation von Jamming-Verfahren und Gegenmaßnahmen in NS-2"
(Intermediate talk for diploma thesis)
Thursday, 19.06.2008, 11:30 to 12:30,
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Thursday, 19.06.2008, 13:30 - 14:00, SR N102 (Neubau, Römerstraße 164)
Simon Hunke: "Lernen von Expertenwissen zur Einschätzung von Gefahrenlagen im Internet"
Thursday, 19.06.2008, 11:30 to 12:30,
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Thursday, 19.06.2008, 14:00 - 14:30, SR N102 (Neubau, Römerstraße 164)
Roland Kindermann: "Static detection of buffer overflows in executables"
Tuesday, 17.06.2008, 12:30 to 13:00,
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Talks on Tuesday, 17.06.2008
The following talks take place in room N127 (Neubau, Römerstraße 164):
Tuesday, 08.07.2008, 15:00 to 17:00, HS I (Altbau, Römerstraße 164)
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Carsten Buschmann (Uni. Lübeck): "Funkbasierte Distanzschätzung für Sensornetzwerke und ihre Anwendung zur Lokationsbestimmung in Sensornetzen"
(Ringvorlesung "Hot Topics in Communications Systems, Sensor-Networks, and Pervasive Computing")
Thursday, 26.06.2008, 15:00 to 17:00, HS II (Altbau, Römerstraße 164)
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Jörg Hähner (Uni. Hannover): "Self-Organizing Distributed Smart Camera Systems"
(Ringvorlesung "Hot Topics in Communications Systems, Sensor-Networks, and Pervasive Computing")
Tuesday, 10.06.2008, 15:00 to 17:00,
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Ringvorlesung am 10.06.2008
"Hot Topics in Communications Systems, Sensor-Networks, and Pervasive Computing"