Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Wednesday, 17.12.2008, 10:00 to 11:00, N102, Neubau Römerstr. 164 (AVZ III)
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Georg Wicherski (MWCollect Alliance, Honeynet Project, RWTH Aachen): "peHash: A Novel Approach to Fast Malware Clustering"

Everybody is cordially invited to attend.

Monday, 01.12.2008, 10:00 to 10:30, N102, Neubau Römerstr. 164 (AVZ III)
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Thomas Lüke: "Clusterverfahren auf Basis neuronaler Netze im Nebula-System zur automatischen Generierung von Angriffssignaturen"

(Introductory talk for diploma thesis)

Monday, 17.11.2008, 10:00 to 10:45, N 102 (Neubau, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Simon Hunke: "Evaluation von Lernverfahren zur Klassifizierung der Gefahrenlage im Internet"

(Intermediate talk for diploma thesis)

Thursday, 06.11.2008, 14:00 to 15:00, Expo-Pavillon (Neubau, Römerstraße 164)
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Anna Lekova (Institute of Control and System Research (ICSR) - BAS): "Using High Level Information to Make Services and Applications Sparse MANETs Aware"

Abstract of Presentation:Context awareness in Wireless Networks with mobile nodes will enable services orapplications to adapt their behavior to the network situation by reconfiguringtheir underlying protocols. In the presented...

Wednesday, 05.11.2008, 10:00 to 10:30, N102, Neubau Römerstr. 164 (AVZ III)
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Thomas Loraing: "crypt(3) Passworte auf einer Grafikkarte knacken"

(Final talk for pratical)

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