Archived news at the Department 4
The following news have already been archived:
Invited Talks
Monday, 02.02.2009, 12:00 to 12:30, N 102 (Hochhaus, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Daniel Rosenthal: "Multicast ETX - Auswirkungen auf die Performanz von ODMRP und mögliche Angriffe"
(Final talk for pratical)
Monday, 02.02.2009, 12:30 to 13:00, N 102 (Hochhaus, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Fritz Bollmann: "Auswirkungen und Detektion von Angriffen gegen OLSR bei Verwendung einer linkqualitätsbasierten Routingmetrik"
(Final talk for pratical)
Wednesday, 28.01.2009, 10:00 to 11:00, N102 (AVZ III, Hochhaus)
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Roland Kindermann: "Static Detection of Buffer Overflows in Executables"
(Final talk for diploma thesis)
Monday, 26.01.2009, 11:00 to 11:45, N 102 (Neubau, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Thomas Bosch: "Detecting wormhole attacks in tactical Multi-Hop Networks"
(Intermediate talk for diploma thesis)
Wednesday, 14.01.2009, 13:30 to 14:00, N102 (Hochhaus, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Raja Mehlem: "Personal Dead Reckoning mit Accelerometern, Gyroskopen und Wegmarken"
(Introductory talk for diploma thesis)
Wednesday, 07.01.2009, 10:00 to 10:45, N 102 (Neubau, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Andreas Voß: "Hochskalierbare Simulation Mobiler Ad-hoc Netzwerke"
(Intermediate talk for diploma thesis)
Wednesday, 07.01.2009, 11:00 to 13:00, N 102 (Neubau, Römerstr. 164, AVZ III)
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Felix Leder and Tillmann Werner: "Stormfucker - Owning the Storm Botnet"
Everybody is cordially invited to attend.