Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Wednesday, 22.06.2016, 13:00 to 13:20, Raum III.00, LBH
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Marcel Aniol - "Heuristische CPU-Architekturerkennung anhand architekturspezifischer Charakteristika"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Wednesday, 22.06.2016, 13:20 to 13:40, Raum III.00, LBH
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Sven Knauer - "Framework zur Identifikation unbekannter Daten"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Monday, 30.05.2016, 13:10 to 13:35, Raum 1.22, Zanderstraße 5
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Tigist Abera - "Binary Artefact Extraction: Malware Communication"

(Lab Final Presentation)

Monday, 30.05.2016, 11:55 to 12:20, Raum 1.22, Zanderstraße 5
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Che-Hao Kang - "A Survey of Botnet Detection"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Monday, 30.05.2016, 13:35 to 14:00, Raum 1.22, Zanderstraße 5
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Paul Hordiienko - "A survey of executables matching techniques"

(Final Presentation Malware Boot Camp)

Monday, 30.05.2016, 12:45 to 13:10, Raum 1.22, Zanderstraße 5
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Tigist Abera - "A Survey of Windows API Hooking and Dynamic Taint Analysis"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Monday, 30.05.2016, 12:20 to 12:45, Raum 1.22, Zanderstraße 5
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Che-Hao Kang - "Binary Artefact Extraction: C&C Domains"

(Lab Final Presentation)

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