Archived news at the Department 4
The following news have already been archived:
Invited Talks
Monday, 07.12.2020, 15:15 to 15:35, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Paul Schiffer: „Distribution of Security-critical Bugs in Open Source C Projects"
(Introductory Talk Master Thesis)
Monday, 07.12.2020, 14:55 to 15:15, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Sharath Maligera Eswarappa: „Adaptive QoS in SDN-enabled heterogeneous mobile tactical networks"
(Introductory Talk Master Thesis)
Monday, 07.12.2020, 14:35 to 14:55, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Roman Schell: „Digging for artifacts in process memory"
(Introductory Talk Master Thesis)
Monday, 07.12.2020, 14:15 to 14:35, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Maximilian Prahl-Kamps: „A Method for Analysis and Real-Time Emulation of IP Radios"
(Introductory Talk Master Thesis)
Monday, 07.12.2020, 13:30 to 14:00, Interessenten melden sich bitte bei annemarie.theis[@]
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Elias Werberich: „Entwicklung eines Detektors für Routing-Loops in heterogenen MANETs"
(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)
Monday, 07.12.2020, 13:00 to 13:30, Interessenten melden sich bitte bei annemarie.theis[@]
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Nils Auler: „Untersuchung der Effekte auf die Ende-zu-Ende Performanz bei Einsatz eines Split-Connections Proxys"
(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)
Monday, 07.12.2020, 12:15 to 12:45, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Carlo Jakobs: „Malware Clustering using Similarity Hashing Algorithms"
(Final Presentation Master Lab)