Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Friday, 09.04.2010, 14:00 to 14:15, Rheinsaal, B-IT (Dahlmannstraße 2)
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Daniel Happ: "Architekturelles Design und Evaluation eines hybriden Medienzugriffsverfahrens für Unterwassernetzwerke"

(Introductory talk for bachelor thesis)

Friday, 09.04.2010, 14:15 to 14:30, Rheinsaal, B-IT (Dahlmannstraße 2)
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Tim Schneider: "Evaluation von Transportprotokollen in Wireless-Mesh-Netzwerken"

(Introductory talk for bachelor thesis)

Friday, 09.04.2010, 15:10 to 15:50, Rheinsaal, B-IT (Dahlmannstraße 2)
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Hichem ElMokhni: "Coupled sonar inertial navigation system for person tracking"

(Final talk for master thesis)

Friday, 09.04.2010, 15:50 to 16:30, Rheinsaal, B-IT (Dahlmannstraße 2)
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Christian Klein: "Local Positioning System im Lagerhausbetrieb"

(Final talk for diploma thesis)

Friday, 09.04.2010, 16:30 to 16:45, Rheinsaal, B-IT (Dahlmannstraße 2)
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Martin Lambertz: "Automatische Bestimmung eines Schwellwertes zur Erkennung von Wormhole-Angriffen"

(Introductory talk for bachelor thesis)

Friday, 09.04.2010, 16:45 to 17:15, Rheinsaal, B-IT (Dahlmannstraße 2)
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Jan Gassen: "Effizientes Malware Clustering auf Basis statischer Analyse"

(Intermediate talk for diploma thesis)

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