Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Friday, 31.01.2020, 13:15 to 13:40, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raumbekanntgabe vor Ort
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Paul Scherer: "Real Time-Thermal Rating - IT-Security Aspects"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 31.01.2020, 13:00 to 15:00, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, HSZ - HS7
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Guest lecture: Gynvael Coldwind - "Notes on Computer Hardware and Security"

Gynvael Coldwind is co-founder and former captain of the Dragon Sector CTF team. He also works as an Information Security Engineer & Technical Lead/Manager at Google Security in Zürich.

Friday, 31.01.2020, 12:50 to 13:15, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raumbekanntgabe vor Ort
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Johannes Loevenich: "Learning Ever-changing Metrics in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 31.01.2020, 12:25 to 12:50, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raumbekanntgabe vor Ort
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Maximilian Prahl-Kamps: "Multipath QUIC: Concept, Use Cases and Potential"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 31.01.2020, 12:00 to 12:25, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raumbekanntgabe vor Ort
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Ioannis Stavrou: "ALTO: Application Layer Traffic Optimization"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 31.01.2020, 11:40 to 12:10, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Raum U1.039
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Ulugbek Ahmedjanov: "An Investigation on the Feasibility of the Bluetooth Frequency Hopping Mechanism for the Use as a Covert Channel"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 31.01.2020, 11:10 to 11:40, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Raum U1.039
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Shaker Aljallad: "A Survey on Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy Devices Communication States with Regards to Device Tracking"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

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