Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Tuesday, 24.05.2011, 15:05 to 15:35, III.14a LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Thomas Barabosch: "An extraction framework for current malware's mutex generating algorithms"

(Intermediate talk for diploma thesis)

Tuesday, 24.05.2011, 15:35 to 16:15, III.14a LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Jan Lühr: "Klassifikation und Analyse von BGP Multiple Origin AS (MOAS) Konflikten"

(Final talk for bachelor thesis)

Tuesday, 24.05.2011, 16:15 to 16:55, III.14a LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Daniel Heupel: "Verteilte Ausführung der Simulationssoftware HiPWiNS"

(Final talk for practical)

Tuesday, 19.04.2011, 12:30 to 13:00, II.27 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Binh Truong: "Angriffe in lokalen Netzen mittels DHCP"

(Final talk for bachelor project group)

Tuesday, 19.04.2011, 13:00 to 13:30, II.27 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Nils Siebert: "Analyse der Schwachstellen der Authentifizierung in RADIUS"

(Final talk for bachelor project group)

Tuesday, 19.04.2011, 13:30 to 14:00, II.27 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Johannes Zollmann: "Angriffe auf DNS nach der Dan-Kaminsky-Methode"

(Final talk for bachelor project group)

Tuesday, 19.04.2011, 14:00 to 14:15, II.27 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Johannes Zollmann: "Entwicklung eines Test-Frameworks zur Erkennung von Exploits in HTML-Dokumenten"

(Introductory talk for bachelor thesis)

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