Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Friday, 27.01.2023, 08:30 to 09:30, Raum U1.039, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
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Fabian Ermisch, Ali Reda: "Rekonstruktion von leerzeichen-losem Morsecode"

(Seminarvortrag PG Kommunikationssysteme)

Friday, 20.01.2023, 12:30 to 14:00, Raum U1.039, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
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Entfällt, Ersatztermin wird bekanntgegeben! - Nadjeschda Vollmerhaus, Finn Kalvelage, Karn Singh: "Drei Ansätze zur Sicherung der Software Supply Chain durch Erweiterung des Heimdall Systems"

(Seminarvortrag PG IT-Sicherheit/Cyber Security)

Friday, 20.01.2023, 10:30 to 11:30, Raum U1.039, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
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Lena Berster, Franziska Rau: "Intrusion Detection and Response"

(Seminarvortrag PG IT-Sicherheit/Cyber Security)

Friday, 20.01.2023, 09:30 to 10:30, Raum U1.039, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
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Eric Czichy, Maximilian Leiwig: "Implementierung von symbolischer Ausführung für PHP 8.3"

(Seminarvortrag PG IT-Sicherheit/Cyber Security)

Friday, 20.01.2023, 08:30 to 09:30, Raum U1.039, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
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Leonard Heinrich, Leonard Konrads: "Single Sign On mittels eID-Funktion"

(Seminarvortrag PG IT-Sicherheit/Cyber Security)

Thursday, 19.01.2023, 08:50 to 09:20, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Nils Auler: „Application of Multipath-TCP in a Tactical Scenario"

(Intermediate Talk Master Thesis)

Thursday, 19.01.2023, 08:20 to 08:50, For access information kindly contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Elias Werberich: „Evaluation of the scalability of EMANE in a containerized environment“

(Intermediate Talk Master Thesis)

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