Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Monday, 28.11.2011, 16:15 to 16:45, II.27 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Sarah Eil: "Callchains von Windows Standard-DLLs"

(Final talk for project group "Malware Bootcamp")

Thursday, 10.11.2011, 14:00 to 14:30, II.51 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Steffen Grathwohl: "Angriffe auf die Layer-2 Control-Plane und auf DNS"

(Final talk for practical)

Thursday, 10.11.2011, 14:30 to 15:00, II.51 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Kuruparan Thayaparan: "Darstellung von Netzwerk-Topologien in NDL"

(Final talk for project group "Sicherheit in lokalen Netzen")

Thursday, 10.11.2011, 15:00 to 15:30, II.51 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Valentin Brückel: "Visualisierung von Netzwerken mittels GraphViz"

(Final talk for project group "Sicherheit in lokalen Netzen")

Thursday, 10.11.2011, 15:30 to 16:00, II.51 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Jan Carsten Lohmüller: "Visualisierung von NetFlow-Daten mithilfe von Graphviz"

(Final talk for project group "Sicherheit in lokalen Netzen")

Thursday, 10.11.2011, 16:00 to 16:30, II.51 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Matthias Meiling: "Visualisierung von NetFlow-Daten zur Erkennung von Angriff en auf ein Netz"

(Final talk for project group "Sicherheit in lokalen Netzen")

Friday, 18.11.2011, 10:00 to 12:00, II.27 LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Aarti Munjal (Colorado School of Mines): "Improving the Credibility of Simulation-based Research in Mobile Ad hoc Networks"

Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Abstract: My dissertation focuses on improving the credibility of simulation-based research in mobile ad hoc networks. Specifically, we have developed tools that will help researchers...

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