Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Tuesday, 01.06.2010, 13:00 to 13:30, A414, AVZIII-Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Andreas Bochem: "Erstellung von Verkehrsprofilen in lokalen Netzen"

(Introductory talk for diploma thesis)

Tuesday, 01.06.2010, 13:30 to 14:00, A414, AVZIII-Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Hubert Ritzdorf: "CryptoFinder - Dynamische Erkennung kryptographischer Kandidaten in Binärcode"

(Final talk for bachelor thesis)

Tuesday, 11.05.2010, 13:00 to 13:30, A414, AVZIII-Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Robert Peter: "Eine Methode zur Eingabeklassenerkennung für Applikationen mobiler Endgeräte"

(Introductory talk for diploma thesis)

Tuesday, 11.05.2010, 13:30 to 14:00, A414, AVZIII-Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Khaled Yakdan: "Underwater Network Emulation"

(Final talk for turbo-practical)

Thursday, 29.04.2010, 14:00 to 14:30, A414, AVZIII-Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Nicolai Scheer: "Performance- und Sicherheitaspekte von Anycast in IP-Netzen"

(Introductory talk for diploma thesis)

Thursday, 22.04.2010, 14:00 to 15:00, A414, AVZIII Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Patrick Schulz: "Ansteuerung eines Laser-Projektors über Ethernet"

(Final talk for Bachelor project group)

Thursday, 22.04.2010, 15:00 to 16:00, A414, AVZIII Altbau (Römerstr. 164)
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Jan Newger: "Automatic Reconstruction of X86 Machine Code from Embedded, Obfuscated CPU Interpreters in Executable Files"

(Final talk for Diploma thesis)

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