Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Friday, 01.02.2019, 09:50 to 10:20, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Raum U1.039
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Anna-Mariya Mateyna: "The Use of Gamification in Authentication Processes"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 01.02.2019, 09:10 to 09:40, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Raum U1.039
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Jonas Prämaßing: "Overview of recent reasearch on BGP prefix hijacking"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Friday, 01.02.2019, 08:30 to 09:00, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Raum U1.039
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Maxim Kropp: "Improvement Opportunities of the IDN-Switcher and IDN-Recorder using Real-Time Linux"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Monday, 28.01.2019, 10:30 to 11:10, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Tobias Hartmann: "Security Event Correlation on Log Event Streams"

(Final Presentation Master Thesis)

Monday, 28.01.2019, 09:55 to 10:25, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Julian Spravil: "NMEA-0183-basierte Detektion von GPS-Spoofing-Angriffen in maritimen Systemen"

(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Monday, 28.01.2019, 09:20 to 09:50, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Christopher Krah: "File system fuzzing applied to the BSD operating system family"

(Intermediate Presentation Master Thesis)

Monday, 28.01.2019, 09:00 to 09:15, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Alina Hakoupian: "Forensische Analyse von Webbrowser-Datenbanken"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

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