Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Tuesday, 26.04.2016, 13:30 to 13:55, Raum III.00, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Marc-Philipp Ohm: "TIMSE - Threat Intelligence Meta Search Engine"

(Lab Final Presentation)

Tuesday, 03.05.2016, 12:55 to 13:20, Raum III.00, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Sergio Valmorisco Sierra: "A Toolkit for Data Pseudonymization with Availability Options"

(Lab Final Presentation)

Tuesday, 03.05.2016, 12:30 to 12:55, Raum III.00, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Thorsten Jenke: "Detection of Malware based on Windows Error Reporting"

(Lab Final Presentation)

Tuesday, 26.04.2016, 13:15 to 13:45, Raum III.00, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Stephan Plöger: Cross-architecture Extraction of Binary Code" (Kopie 1)

(Intermediate Presentation Master Thesis)

Tuesday, 26.04.2016, 12:30 to 13:05, Raum II.27, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Andy Fano: "Eine Evaluierung der Verwendbarkeit von Analystenreports zum Labeling von APT/Targeted Attack Malware"

(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Tuesday, 26.04.2016, 11:30 to 12:00, Raum II.27, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Timm Behner: "Improving Similarity Analysis and Clustering of Malware Samples by Using Multiple Analysis Data Sources"

(Introductory Talk Master Thesis)

Tuesday, 26.04.2016, 12:00 to 12:30, Raum II.27, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Jan-Niclas Hilgert: "Evaluating the Contemporary Applicability of the Standard Model for File System Forensic Analysis"

(Intermediate Presentation Master Thesis)

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