Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Friday, 12.03.2021, 08:30 to 09:15, For access information kindly contact matthias.wuebbeling[@]
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Merlin von Rechenberg: "SDN applied in Tactical Networks: Problems, Solutions and Open Issues"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

Thursday, 11.03.2021, 09:30 to 10:00, For access information kindly contact malderle[@]
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Jonas Prämaßing: "Portable data collection framework and analysis of automated authorization attempts"

(Introductory Talk Master Thesis)

Monday, 01.03.2021, 09:00 to 09:45, For access information kindly contact boes[@]
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Phil-Tabeas Maurice Noack: "Black-box Impersonation Attacks against an ID Document Photo to Selfie Matching AI"

(Final Presentation Master Thesis)

Thursday, 25.02.2021, 09:45 to 10:30, For access information kindly contact boes[@]
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Christian Bungartz: "Model Poisoning of Deep Learning Neural Networks"

(Final Seminar Presentation)

Thursday, 25.02.2021, 09:00 to 09:45, For access information kindly contact boes[@]
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Michael Lomberg: "Microarchitectural Attacks - The curse of speculative execution"

(Final Seminar Presentation)

Wednesday, 24.02.2021, 12:55 to 13:25, Interessenten melden sich bitte bei annemarie.theis[@]
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Navid Azadi: „Automatisierte Erkennung von Compiler-Optimierungen"

(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Wednesday, 24.02.2021, 12:25 to 12:55, For access information please contact annemarie.theis[@]
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Apolonia Gottwald: „Evaluation of modeling languages and sharing plattforms for Cyber Threat Intelligence"

(Seminar Final Presentation)

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