Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Friday, 26.06.2009, 11:00 to 12:00, A413, AVZ III (Römerstr. 164, Altbau)
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Marcel Hoffmann: "GetPC Methods for Stack Overflow Exploits"

(Talk for seminar)

Friday, 26.06.2009, 12:00 to 13:00, A413, AVZ III (Römerstr. 164, Altbau)
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Sebastian Knott: "iBGP Multiple-Paths Capability"

(Talk for seminar)

Tuesday, 23.06.2009, 13:30 to 14:00, A301, AVZ III, Römerstr. 164
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Hichem El Mokni: "Coupled sonar inertial navigation system for person tracking"

(Introductory talk for master thesis)

Tuesday, 23.06.2009, 15:00 to 15:30, A301, AVZ III, Römerstr. 164
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Thomas Werner: "Identifizierung kryptographischer Funktionen in Software"

(Final talk for project group Malware Boot Camp)

Tuesday, 23.06.2009, 15:30 to 16:00, A301, AVZ III, Römerstr. 164
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Florian Esser: "L33t-S33k - Effiziente Suchsprache fuer IDA Pro"

(Final talk for project group Malware Boot Camp)

Fighting Cybercrime – Digitale Kriminalistik

Öffentliche Vorlesung und Diskussion 25.6.2009 um 17:15 Uhr im Hörsaal A des AVZ-III (Römerstr. 164, Hochhaus)

Friday, 12.06.2009, 10:00 to 10:30, B-IT Building, Dahlmannstraße 2, Seminarraum 2.1
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Florian Hilgenhöner: "Effiziente Erfassung der Topologie lokaler Netze"

(Final talk for project group)

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