Archived news at the Department 4

The following news have already been archived:

Invited Talks

Monday, 04.11.2019, 11:15 to 11:45, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Chih-Teng Tseng: "Finding and Extracting Indicator of Compromise for Code Injection"

(Final Presentatio Master Lab)

Monday, 04.11.2019, 10:45 to 11:15, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Marvin Löhr: "Dead code generation"

(Final Presentation Master Lab)

Monday, 04.11.2019, 10:15 to 10:45, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Chih-Teng Tseng: "Evolution of Malware Spreading Techniques and Future Outlook"

(Final Presentation Master Seminar)

Monday, 04.11.2019, 09:45 to 10:15, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Marvin Löhr: "Evolution of Mobile Malware"

(Final Presentation Master Seminar)

Monday, 04.11.2019, 09:15 to 09:45, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Christian Matthies : "State of the Art Code Injection techniques"

(Abschlussvortrag Projektgruppe)

Monday, 04.11.2019, 08:45 to 09:15, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Navid Azadi: "Einführung in Malware Persistence Techniken für Windows"

(Abschlussvortrag Projektgruppe)

Monday, 04.11.2019, 08:30 to 08:45, Fraunhofer FKIE, Zanderstraße 5, Raum U.11 ("Bonn")
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Merlin von Rechenberg: "Network Intrusion Detection in maritimen Systemen"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

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