Friday, 24.01.2014, 13:00 to 13:30, II.27, LBH (Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 144)
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Jonathan Kirchhof: "Extending ODMRP for On-Site Deployments in Disaster Area Scenarios"

Jonathan Kirchhof (M. Sc.) presents his work.

Abstract: One of the primary application scenarios for mobile wireless multi-hop networks are disaster areas. However, these pose specific challenges for routing, such as mobility and highly unpredictable links. The main applications for disaster area networks – group-based voice communication and group-oriented, map-based tracking – can be realized using multicast groups. Thus, we decided to implement ODMRP for disaster area deployments. In several disaster area maneuver on-site deployments, we identified the need for extensions, making the protocol more suitable for real-world deployments. In this talk, we propose three extensions to ODMRP: (1) link quality based routing, (2) prioritization of control messages, and (3) overhead reduction mechanisms. In simulations as well as in real-world measurements, we show the benefit of the extensions proposed.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend.