Monday, 31.03.2008, 09:00 to 10:00,
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Experiences with a Delay Tolerant Network Test Bed using Unmanned Airplanes

Daniel Henkel (University of Colorado, Boulder) Mo. 31.03.2008 - 11:00h - Hörsaal 1

The University of Colorado at Boulder has been building and operating
an outdoor test bed for wireless communications among ground nodes
and unmanned planes over the last four years. What started as a
single project very quickly turned into a new Research and
Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV). This talk will
highlight the hardware and software capabilities as well as current
research projects surrounding RECUV with a focus on reliable,
delay-tolerant sensor data collection in remote areas.

Speaker bio:
Daniel Henkel is currently a researcher at the RECUV and PhD student
at the Technical University of Ilmenau. He is working on relaying and
physical data ferrying techniques in delay-tolerant networks using
controlled node mobility. Before joining RECUV he worked as a
researcher for Infineon Technologies North America. Daniel holds an MS
in Telecommunications from the Univ. of Colorado and a graduate
diploma in industrial engineering from the Technical University of