Wednesday, 22.12.2010, 14:00 to 15:00, A301, AVZ III Altbau, Römerstr. 164
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Marco Gruteser (Associate Professor at Rutgers University): "Depersonalization of Location Traces"

Special talk

Motivated by a probe-vehicle based automotive traffic monitoring system, this talk addresses the problem of guaranteeing anonymity in a dataset of location traces while maintaining high data accuracy. An analysis of a set of GPS traces from 239 vehicles shows that known privacy algorithms cannot meet application accuracy requirements or fail to provide privacy guarantees for drivers in low-density areas.

To overcome these challenges, I will present a novel time-to-confusion criterion to characterize privacy in a location dataset and propose a centralized density-aware path cloaking algorithm that hides location samples in a dataset to provide a time-to-confusion guarantee for all vehicles. This approach effectively guarantees worst case tracking bounds, while achieving significant data accuracy improvements. I will then discuss a distributed scheme building on virtual trip lines, which does not need to rely on a trustworthy privacy server with access to all traces.


Everybody is cordially invited to attend.


15:00h Coffee Break