Selected Papers
J.Ch.Strelen, Tools for Dependent Simulation Input with Copulas. In Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Luiz Felipe Perrone, and Giovanni Stea, editors, Proceedings of SIMUTools 2009, Rome, Italy. Published in PDF
J.Ch.Strelen and F.Nassaj, Analysis and generation of random vectors with copulas. In S.G.Henderson, B.Biller, M.-H.Hsieh, J.Shortle, J.D.Tew, and R.R.Barton, editors, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, 2007, pages 488-496. (PDF)
J.Ch.Strelen, Modelling discrete input probability distributions. In Jaroslaw Sklenar, Alain Tanguy, Cyrille Bertelle, and Giancarlo Fortino, editors, Modelling and Simulation 2007, Proceedings of the European Simulation and Modelling Conference, St. Julians, Malta, 2007, pages 40-47. Eurosis-ETI, Ghent, 2007. PDF
F.Nassaj and J.Ch.Strelen, Generating simulation input with approximate copulas. In Alexandre Nketsa, Mario Paludetto, and Cyrille Bertelle, editors, Modelling and Simulation 2006, Proceedings of the European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Toulouse, 2006, pages 88-93. Eurosis-ETI, Ghent, 2006. PDF
F.Nassaj and J.Ch.Strelen, Dependence input modeling with the help of non-Gaussian AR models and genetic algorithms. In J.Manuel Feliz Teixera and A.E.Carvalho-Brito, editors, Modelling and Simulation 2005, Proceedings of the European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Porto, 2005, pages 146-153. Eurosis-ETI, Ghent, 2005. PDF
J.Ch.Strelen, A new confidence interval method for the estimation of quantiles. Proceedings of the 5th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, pages 677-682, St. Petersburg, Rußland, 2005 PDF
J.Ch.Strelen, The accuracy of a new confidence interval method. In R.G.Ingalls, M.D.Rossetti, J.S.Smith, and B.A.Peters, editors, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, 2004, pages 654-662. (PDF)
J.Ch.Strelen, Simulation software and mathematical analysis of simulation results. In B.di Martino, L.T.Yang, and C.Bobeanu, editors, Modelling and Simulation 2003, Proceedings of the European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Neapel, 2003, pages 51-55. Eurosis-ETI, Ghent, 2003
J.Ch.Strelen, The genetic algorithm is useful to fitting input probability distributions for simulation models. In M.Ades and L.M. Deschaine, editors, Proceedings of the Business and Industry Symposium - ASTC 2003, pages 8-13. Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, 2003. PDF
J.Ch. Strelen, Median confidence intervals - grouping data into batches and comparison with other techniques. In M.Ades and L.M. Deschaine, editors, Proceedings of the Business and Industry Symposium - ASTC 2002, pages 169-175. Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, 2002. PDF
J.Ch. Strelen, Median confidence intervals. In E.J.H. Kerckhoffs and M. Snorek, editors, Modelling and Simulation 2001 - Proc. of the ESM2001, pages 771-775.
The SCS Publishing House, Erlangen, 2001. PDF
Ralf Nitzgen, Berthold Bärk, Werner Sandmann, Handbuch zu VERENA - Eine Programmbibliothek zum Rechnen mit Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen, Dritte Version, Mai 2000. Programmbibliothek VERENA
J. Ch. Strelen. Generation of transition class models from formal queueing network descriptions. In P.F. Möller, editor, Simulation in Industry-Proceedings of the ESS2000, pages 525-530.
The SCS Publishing House, Erlangen, 2000. Extended version available in PDF.
J. Ch. Strelen. A Little Tutorial on the DA Iteration Method: Three Tiny Bloking Networks Solved Step by Step. Internal Report, 1999. Postscript (gzip)
J.Ch. Strelen. Monte-Carlo simulation of Markov chains using a high-level modelling technique. In A. Bargiela and E. Kerkhoffs, editors, Simulation Technology: Science and Art - Proceedings of the ESS 98, pages 213-217. Society for Computer Simulation, 1998. Postscript (gzip).
J.Ch. Strelen. Approximate disaggregation-aggregation solutions for general queueing networks. In A.R. Kaylan and A. Lehmann, editors, Proc. of the ESM 97 Conference, pages 773-778. Society for Computer Simulation, 1997. Postscript (gzip) oder
J.Ch. Strelen. Approximate analysis of queueing networks with Markovian arrival processes and phase type service times. In K.Irmscher, Ch.Mittasch, and K.Richter, editors, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen, pages 55-70, Berlin, Offenbach, 1997. VDE-Verlag. Postscript (gzip) oder
J.Ch. Strelen. Loss queueing networks with bursty arrival processes and phase type service times: Approximate analysis. In D. Kouvatsos, editor, Fifth IFIP Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks - Participants Proceedings, pages 87/1-87/10. University of Bradford, 1997. Postscript (gzip) oder
J. Ch. Strelen. Approximate product form solutions for Markov chains. Performance Evaluation, pages 87-110, 1997. Postscript (gzip) oder
J. Ch. Strelen, B. Bärk, J. Becker, and V. Jonas. Analysis of queueing networks with blocking using a new aggregation technique. Annals of Operations Research 79 (1998), 121-142. Postscript (gzip) oder
M. Corsten and J. Ch. Strelen. Multimedia services via FDDI-connected token rings: Maximum bandwidth capacity reservation is avoidable. In F. Breitenecker and I. Husinsky, editors, Proc. of the 1995 Eurosim Conference, pages 595-600. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995.
T. Heinrichs, B. Bärk, and J. Ch. Strelen. Wartezeiten für Pollingsysteme mittels numerischer Modelle. In B. Walke and O. Spaniol, editors, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen, pages 173-185. Springer, Berlin, 1993.
I. F. Akyildiz and J. Ch. Strelen. Moment analysis for load-dependent mixed product form queueing networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 39(6):828-832, 1991.
J. Ch. Strelen. Iterative Analyse von Markov-Modellen mit alternierender Aggregation und Disaggregation. In A. Lehmann and F. Lehmann, editors, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen IFB 286, pages 320-336. Springer, Berlin, 1991.
J. Ch. Strelen. Moment analysis for closed queueing networks and its Linearizer. Performance Evaluation, 11:127-142, 1990. Postscript
J. Ch. Strelen. Massiv parallele Algorithmen für die Simulation von Markov-Modellen. In F. Breitenecker, I. Troch, and P. Kopacek, editors, Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik, volume 1, pages 175-180. F. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1990.
J. Ch. Strelen. A fast simultaneous iteration technique for the analysis of Markov chains. Interner Bericht II/89/1, Institut für Informatik, Universität Bonn, 1989.
J. Ch. Strelen and B. Bärk. An approach to the numerical analysis of multiple-queue cyclic service systems. In G. Stiege and J. S. Lie, editors, Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen und Netzen IFB 218, pages 75-88. Springer, Berlin, 1989.
J. Ch. Strelen. Piecewise approximation of densities applying the principle of maximum entropy: Waiting times in G/G/1-systems. In R. Puigjaner and D. Poitier, editors, Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, pages 421-438. Plenum Press, New York, 1989.