Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Plohmann

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Fraunhofer FKIE

Telefon: +49 228 50212-600
Fax: +49 228 50212-688
E-Mail: plohmann@REMOVETHISPART.cs.uni-bonn.de
Öffentlicher Schlüssel: 0x41D41A44
  Fraunhofer FKIE
Zanderstraße 5
D-53177 Bonn
Raum: 2.24 - Zanderstr. 5

Research Interests

  • Reverse Engineering
  • Malware Analysis
  • Advanced simulation methods and techniques 



Lectures, Labs, and Seminars

  • WS 2015

    • Seminar: Seminar Selected Topics in Malware Analysis and Computer/Network Security
    • Lab: Malware Analysis

  • SS 2015

    • Project Group: "Malware Bootcamp"

  • SS 2014

    • Lab: Malware Analysis

  • SS 2012

    • Exercises to "Network Security" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Martini, Dr. Jens Tölle and Wolfgang Moll)
    • Project Group: "Malware Bootcamp"
    • Seminar: Seminar Selected Topics in Malware Analysis and Computer/Network Security
    • Lab: Communication and Communicating Devices

  • WS 2011/12

    • Project Group: "Malware Bootcamp"
    • Seminar: Seminar Selected Topics in Malware Analysis and Computer/Network Security

  • SS 2011

    • Guest lecture with topic: "Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering" as part of "Systemnahe Informatik" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Martini)
    • Exercises to "Network Security" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Martini, Dr. Jens Tölle and Wolfgang Moll)
    • Project Group: "Malware Bootcamp"

  • WS 2010/11
    • Project Group: "Malware Bootcamp"

  • SS 2010

    • Exercises to "Systemnahe Informatik" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Martini)
    • Exercises to "Network Security" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Martini, Dr. Jens Tölle and Wolfgang Moll)
    • Project Group: "Malware Bootcamp"

Supervised Work

  • "Verfahren zur automatisierten Identifikation bekannter Funktionen in Disassemblern". Wüstenberg, Thilo; Bachelor Thesis, 2021.
  • "Capability Analysis on Malicious Software". Bilstein, Felix; Master Thesis, 2021.
  • "Analysis of Code Reuse and Obfuscation in .NET Malware". Blatt, Manuel; Master Thesis, 2021.
  • "An Overview of .NET Bytecode and (De-)Obfuscation". Blatt, Manuel; Seminar Report, 2020.
  • "Konsistenz- und Ähnlichkeitsanalyse von Rich Headern in Malware". Enders, Daniel; Bachelor Thesis, 2020.
  • "Automation Convenience through Shellcode Injection in Hypervisor-based Malware Analysis". Blatt, Manuel; Lab Report, 2020.
  • "Prototyping a recursive ARM Disassembler for Memory Dumps". Bilstein, Felix; Lab Report, 2019.
  • "Challenges of Recovering Binary Disassembly". Bilstein, Felix; Seminar Report, 2019.
  • "Authorship Attribution on Executable x86/x64 Binary Code". Enders, Steffen; Master Thesis, 2019.
  • "Improving YARA-Signator for effective Generation of code-based YARA-Signatures". Bilstein, Felix; Lab Report, 2019.
  • "Qualitative analysis of YARA pattern-matching". Hofstetter, Max; Lab Report, 2018.
  • "Automatic Generation of code-based YARA-Signatures". Bilstein, Felix; Bachelor Thesis, 2018.
  • "Compiler-Fingerprinting on x86/x64 Binaries". Enders, Steffen; Bachelor Thesis, 2017.
  • "Memory visualization and diffing". Denno, Mohamad and Ali; Lab Report, 2017.
  • "Robust Malware Unpacking". Jenke, Thorsten; Master Thesis, 2016.
  • "A Malware Classification System Based On Structural Static Analysis". Hordiienko, Paul; Master Thesis, 2016.
  • "Command & Control Server Mimicry through Analysis and Replay of Network Capture Data". Buhl, Lennart; Bachelor Thesis, 2016.
  • "A survey of executables matching techniques". Hordiienko, Paul; Seminar Report, 2016.
  • "Flow-based Network Intrusion Detection". Herzog, Marco; Seminar Report, 2015.
  • "Malware Classification". Jenke, Thorsten; Seminar Report, 2015.
  • "Domain Generation Algorithm Recognition". Fischer, Sören; Lab Report, 2015.
  • "Ein rekursiver Disassembler". Heiler, Lorenz; Lab Report, 2015.
  • "Deobfuscation of Andromeda API Calls". Frieß, Jens; Lab Report, 2015.
  • "Dumping Malware for Fun and Profit". Bilstein, Felix; Lab Report, 2015.
  • "The many Faces of Malware - Clustering Icons from Malware". Buhl, Lennart; Lab Report, 2014.
  • "Semantic Exploration of Binaries". Guevara, Laura; Master Thesis, 2014.
  • "Clustering von Citadel Packer". Jenke, Thorsten; Bachelor Thesis, 2014.
  • "Asynchronous Tracking of Peer-to-Peer Botnets". Dammann, Julian; Diploma Thesis, 2012.
  • "Code Protection in Android". Schulz, Patrick; Lab Report, 2012.
  • "What the Fuzz?! Fuzzing - Automated software vulnerability discovery". Koch, Jonathan; Seminar Report, 2011.
  • "Heuristiken in Unpacking-Frameworks". Schulz, Patrick; Bachelor Thesis, 2011.