Dipl.-Inform. Christoph Fuchs

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Fraunhofer FKIE

Kontakt (vCard Download)
Telefon: +49 228 50212-476
Fax: +49 228 50212-688
E-Mail: cf@REMOVETHISPART.cs.uni-bonn.de
Öffentlicher Schlüssel: 0xAC7A2FC1
  Fraunhofer FKIE
Zanderstraße 5
D-53177 Bonn
Raum: 1.03 - Zanderstr. 5

Forschung / Projekte



  • Jonathan Kirchhoff, Jan Bauer, Raphael Ernst, Christoph Fuchs, Sascha Jopen, Nils Aschenbruck
    "Extending ODMRP for On-Site Deployments in Disaster Area Scenarios"
    Accepted for 32nd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference
    IPCCC, San Diego, USA, Dec 2013.

  • Christoph Fuchs, Tim Schneider
    „A Controlled Loss Transport Service for Sensor Data Transmission“
    Proc. of Military Communications and Information Systems Conference
    MCC, Saint-Malo, 2013.

  • Nils Aschenbruck, Christoph Fuchs
    “Evaluating the Impact on Application-Related Metrics for Sensor Data and Voice Transmission in Mobile Wireless Mesh Scenarios”
    Proc. of Conference on Networked Systems
    NetSys/KIVS, Stuttgart, Germany, Mar. 11–15, 2013.

  • Nils Aschenbruck, Jan Bauer, Raphael Ernst, Christoph Fuchs, Sascha Jopen
    “BonnSens: A Mesh-based Command and Control Sensing System for Public Safety Scenarios”
    Demo accepted for the Conference on Networked Systems
    NetSys/KIVS, Stuttgart, Germany, Mar. 11–15, 2013.

  • Jan Bauer, Nils Aschenbruck, Raphael Ernst, Christoph Fuchs and Sascha Jopen
    “BonnSens: A Mesh-based Command and Control Sensing System for Public Safety Scenarios”
    Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation.
    Band 36, Heft 1, Seiten 51–51, ISSN (Online) 1865-8342, ISSN (Print) 0930-5157, DOI: 10.1515/pik-2012-0066, February 2013


  • Nils Aschenbruck, Christoph Fuchs
    “An Integrated Simulation Environment for Sensor Data Fusion Applications in Wireless Mesh Networks”
    Proc. of the Military Communications Conference
    MILCOM, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Nov. 7–11, 2011.

  • Nils Aschenbruck, Jan Bauer, Raphael Ernst, Christoph Fuchs, Jonathan Kirchhoff
    “A Mesh-based Command and Control Sensing System for Public Safety Scenarios”
    Demo at the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
    SenSys, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 1–4, 2011.

  • Nils Aschenbruck, Jan Bauer, Raphael Ernst, Christoph Fuchs, Jonathan Kirchhoff
    “Deploying a Mesh-based Command and Control Sensing System in a Disaster Area Maneuver”
    Poster at the 9th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
    SenSys, Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 1–4, 2011.

  • Nils Aschenbruck, Christoph Fuchs, Sascha Jopen, Tim Schneider
    Demonstration of the Sensor Data Transmission and Management Protocol (STMP)
    Demo at the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
    LCN, Bonn, Germany, Oct. 4–7, 2011.

  • Nils Aschenbruck, Christoph Fuchs
    "STMP - Sensor Data Transmission and Management Protocol"
    Proc. of the 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
    LCN, Bonn, Germany, Oct. 4–7, 2011. [IEEEexplore]

  • Christoph Fuchs, Monika Wieneke, Nils Aschenbruck, Peter Martini
    "A Survey on Indoor Tracking for Mission Critical Scenarios"
    Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier,
    Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 1-15


  • Felix Govaers, Christoph Fuchs, Nils Aschenbruck
    "Evaluation of Network Effects on the Kalman Filter and Accumulated State Density Filter"
    Proc. of 2nd IAPR Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing
    CIP2010, Elba Island, June 14-16, 2010.


  • Nils Aschenbruck, Christoph Fuchs, Peter Martini
    "Traffic Characteristics and Modeling of Emergency Calls at the PSAP"
    Proc. of 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems,
    MASCOTS 2009, London, September 21-23, 2009.

  • Tillmann Werner, Christoph Fuchs, Elmar Gerhards-Padilla, Peter Martini
    "Nebula – Generating Syntactical Network Intrusion Signatures"
    Proc. of 4th International Malicious and Unwanted Software,
    Malware 2009, Quebec, Canada, October 13-14, 2009.


  • Christoph Fuchs, Nils Aschenbruck, Felix Leder, Peter Martini
    "Detecting VoIP based DoS attacks at the Public Safety Answering Point"
    Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security,
    ASIACCS 2008, Tokyo, Japan, March 18-20, 2008, pp.148-155.


  • Christoph Fuchs
    "Entwicklung eines Intrusion-Detection-Verfahrens zur Erkennung von VoIP-initiierten DoS-Attacken auf Rettungsleitstellen"
    In Ulrich Flegel, editor, Proceedings of the First GI SIG SIDAR Graduate Workshop on Reactive Security (SPRING). Technical Report SR-2006-01, page 13.
    GI FG SIDAR, Berlin, July 2006.

  • Christoph Fuchs
    "Design und Implementierung einer Intrusion-Detection-Erweiterung für ein PBX-System zum Einsatz in Leitstellen"
    Diploma Thesis
    July, 2006.


WS 2014/2015

  • "Internet of Things – Vision, Technology and State-of-the-Art"

SS 2014

Master Theses
  • "Coupling the Sensor Data Transmission and Management Protocol with an End-to-End Congestion Control Mechanism", Matthias Meiling
  • "Robust Header Compression"

WS 2013/2014

Lab Courses
  • "Implementation and Verification of Semi-Reliable Transport Services for STMP in ns-3", Matthias Meiling
  • "Network Coding and Coded TCP"

WS 2012/2013

Master Theses
  • "Multi-topology QoS routing with the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol in MANETs using multiple metrics", Jonathan Kirchhoff
Lab Courses
  • "Multi-metric propagation and ETX-based routing for the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol", Jonathan Kirchhoff

SS 2012

Master Theses
  • "Advanced Retransmission Algorithms for Semi-Reliable Transmission of Sensor Data", Tim Schneider
Diploma Theses
  • "Applikationsbezogene Evaluation von Multimedia-Daten in mobilen Mesh-Netzwerken", Julia Niewiejska
Lab Courses
  • "Transport Service with Controlled Loss for the Transmission of Sensor Data", Tim Schneider

SS 2011

Lab Courses
  • "Erweiterung von NS-2 zur Übertragung und Auswertung realer Sprachdaten", Julia Niewiejska

SS 2010

  • "Evaluation von Transportprotokollen in Wireless-Mesh-Netzwerken", Tim Schneider

WS 2009/2010

  • "Evaluation von Transportprotokollen für Multi-Hop Netzwerke in taktischen Szenarien", Michael Goetz
  • "Local Positioning System im Lagerhausbetrieb", Christian Klein

SS 2009

Vorlesungen Diplomarbeiten
  • "Bewegungsverfolgung von Fußgängern mit Trägheitssensoren", Raja Mehlem
  • "Ein adaptives Verfahren zum Online-Angriffsclustering", Thomas Lüke

WS 2008/2009


SS 2008


WS 2007/2008

  • Übungen zu "Rechnernetze" (Prof. Dr. Martini)
  • "Automatisches Generieren komplexer Intrusion-Detection-Signaturen", Tillmann Werner
  • "Messung und Bewertung von Metriken zur Charakterisierung der TCP-Performance in 3G-Netzen", Tom Noll

SS 2007

  • Übungen zu "Mobile Communication" (Prof. Dr. Martini und Dr. Frank)
  • "Implementierung und Evaluation eines NGramm-basierten Verfahrens zur Erkennung neuartiger Angriffe", Tom Noll

WS 2006/2007

  • Übungen zu "Rechnernetze" (Prof. Dr. Martini)