Timo Pohl, M.Sc.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Telefon: +49 228 73-54246
Fax: +49 228 73-54254
E-Mail: pohl@REMOVETHISPART.cs.uni-bonn.de
PGP public key: 0x4872A6DD1019A4D8
Besucheradresse: Institut für Informatik 4
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8
D-53115 Bonn
Postanschrift: Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5
Raum: 1.018


  • Software Supply Chain Sicherheit
  • Reproducible Builds für Software Abhängigkeiten
  • Multi-Access Edge Computing


Falls du dich für ein Thema interessierst, zögere nicht mich anzuschreiben.

Betreute Themen


  • Assessing the security of AI assisted code completion (PG)
  • Automatic collection of malicious software packages (PG)


  • Automatic creation of JavaScript bundles with ground truth (PG)
  • Detection of JavaScript libraries within JavaScript bundles (PG)
  • State of the Art in Software Metrics used for Project Security Assessments (Seminar)
  • Suitability of Software Metrics for Vulnerability Prediction (Lab)
  • State of the Art of Mitigations against Software Supply Chain Attacks (Seminar)
  • Attacks via IDE Extensions (PG)