Seminar: Selected Topics in IT Security



  • Verantwortlich: Till Elsner
  • Zeiten: t.b.a.
  • Veranstaltungsnummer:

Weitere Informationen:

  • Studienabschnitt: Master Computer Science
  • Voraussetzungen:
  • Fachbereich: MA-INF 3317
  • Aufwand: 2 SWS/ 4 CP

General Information

Participant of this seminar will analyze a current work of IT security research and present a summary. To not only give insights into the topics of research in IT security, but also into the processes of academic peer review and research publishing, this seminar will imitate the typical course of a scientific conference.

Important Dates

The initial meeting will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 16th at 18:00 in room II.27 (LBH). Attending the initial meeting is required to take part in this seminar.

Due dates:

Report submission: 23.11.2012

Review Completion: 07.12.2012

Camera-Ready: 21.12.2012

Seminar submissions

Report submission:

Register at undefined Please use the same email address for registration that you used in the list in the initial meeting for this seminar.

Attention: This conference management stores clear text passwords, so don't use any sensible password here!

The report should be 10 - 15 pages long. The report must be written in TeX. Use the LNCS document class provided by Springer to prepare the report ( Citations and text passages taken from other work must be easily recognizable as such. Questions regarding the report can be posted to the mailing list.

Reports must be submitted until November 23rd.

Review submissions:

Reviews will be assigned within the conference management system. An online form is provided there to submit the review.

Submissions must be completed until December 12th. Correction: Submissions must be completed until December 7th.


Camera-ready submissions:

Based on the suggestions given in the reviews, reports should be improved to the camera-ready version until December 21st.

Please note that failing to meet any of these deadlines means failing the seminar.