Vorlesung: Security of Distributed and Resource-constrained Systems
- Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, Dr. Thorsten Aurisch
- Beginn: 10.04.2024
- Zeiten: Mi. 10 - 12, wöchentlich, HSZ - HS7
- Veranstaltungsnummer: 614032420
- Verantwortlich: Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, Dr. Thorsten Aurisch
- Beginn: 24.04.2024
- Zeiten: Mi. 12 - 14, HSZ - HS7
- Veranstaltungsnummer: 612200136
Weitere Informationen:
- Studienabschnitt: Master Computer Science, Bachelor Lehramt, Master Cyber Security
- Voraussetzungen:
- Fachbereich: BA-INF 136, Lehramt
- Aufwand: 2V + 2Ü / 6LP

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Please use the following Zoom-Meeting to attend the Online-Lecture on April 10:
Kill chain, defence strategies, key management, secret sharing, distributed encryption, distributed signatures, distributed ledger technology, blockchain, certificates, insider attacks, key evolving, IoT security
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Lecture material
The lecture material and exercise sheets are published on Sciebo. The password will be announced in the first lecture.