Donnerstag, 06.11.2008, 14:00 bis 15:00, Expo-Pavillon (Neubau, Römerstraße 164)
In Kalender eintragen

Anna Lekova (Institute of Control and System Research (ICSR) - BAS): "Using High Level Information to Make Services and Applications Sparse MANETs Aware"

Abstract of Presentation:
Context awareness in Wireless Networks with mobile nodes will enable services orapplications to adapt their behavior to the network situation by reconfiguringtheir underlying protocols. In the presented work is studied whether high-levelinformation, captured in the semantics of the events during emergency and rescuescenario might be exploited to improve network performance by mappingalternative solutions in dependence on the space-time graph specifics. “BinaryTrend in Fluctuations of Context” - a new functional feature for estimating thenetwork context is suggested. Fuzzy C-Mean clustering and fuzzy reasoning forpredicting the future state of space-time paths that services and applicationswill use for reconfiguring their underlying protocols, are proposed. RoboCuprescue scenario is used to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed fuzzy model.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend.