Archivierte Neuigkeiten der Abteilung 4

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Invited Talks

Dienstag, 18.06.2024, 09:20 bis 09:35, Raum "Bad Godesberg", Zanderstraße 5, Bonn
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Lennart Kaulen: „Identifikation von USB-Geräten über Artefakte von Betriebssystemen“

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Dienstag, 18.06.2024, 09:00 bis 09:20, Raum "Bad Godesberg", Zanderstraße 5, Bonn
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Marten Georg Ringwelski: „NeighBSim: Context-Sensitive Binary Code Similarity using Call-Graph Neighborhoods“

(Inroductory Talk Master Thesis)

Dienstag, 11.06.2024, 15:00 bis 15:30, Raum 1.007, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8, Bonn
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Abdulmalik Araoye: "Analyzing the Efficiency of Internet Censorship Measures"

(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Montag, 03.06.2024, 14:00 bis 14:30, Raum 1.007, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8, Bonn
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Aziz Khorassani: "Populationsbasierte Parameteroptimierung für die automatisierte Anomalieerkennung bei homogenen Geräten"

(Abschlussvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Mittwoch, 22.05.2024, 10:00 bis 10:15, Raum 1.012, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8, Bonn
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Gregor Bauer: "Reproducible Builds - Analyse der Reproduzierbarkeit von Builds bei PyPI-Softwarepaketen"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Donnerstag, 16.05.2024, 14:00 bis 14:15, Raum 1.012, Informatikzentrum Poppelsdorf, Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8, Bonn
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Suleiman Odeh: "Erkennung von potenziell schadhaften Erweiterungen für Visual Studio Code"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

Mittwoch, 15.05.2024, 10:15 bis 10:30, Raum "Bad Godesberg", Zanderstraße 5, Bonn
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Alice Rahn: „Large Language Models zur Logdaten-Analyse und Angriffserkennung"

(Einleitungsvortrag Bachelorarbeit)

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Hot Topics

Evaluating a Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP) during a WTD71 maneuver

Sascha Jopen (Diploma Student) and Raphael Ernst (Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Martini) evaluating a Neighborhood Discovery Protocol (NHDP) extension for IEEE802.11g WiFi and AX.25 HF based maritim networks during a maneuver...

Matthias Frank attending ILDA 2011 conference in Moscow

(click on pictures to enlarge) Matthias Frank attended the annual conference of the International Laser Display Association (ILDA), which was held Nov 9 - Nov 13 in Moscow, Russia. Matthias presented recent work of the Laser...

Jonathan Kirchhoff attending ACM SenSys in context of AFCEA Student Award

Jonathan Kirchhoff received as AFCEA Student Award a 1,000 € travel grant for his bachelor thesis "Implementierung und Evaluation einer Linkqualitäts-Erweiterung für das On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol". The travel...

AFCEA Student Award 2011

Jan Gassen (second from right) received the 2011 AFCEA Student Award (and 4,000 €) for his diploma thesis on "Effizientes Malware Clustering auf Basis statischer Analyse", supervised by Prof. Martini. ...

Talk by Olav Lysne

Prof. Olav Lysne (Simula Research Laboratory) talking about "Resilience in the Internet, when the Internet is a Black Box". Abstract: "In this talk I will first give a presentation of Simula Research ...

Evaluating HF multi-hop communication systems at a WTD71 maneuver

Jonathan Kirchhoff (Master Student) and Raphael Ernst (Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Martini) evaluating HF multi-hop communication systems at a maneuver together with the WTD71 (Bundeswehr Technical Centre for Ships and...

Raphael Ernst visited the NATO Underwater Research Center

Raphael Ernst  visited the NATO Underwater Research Center (NURC) in La Spezia, Italy where he had the opportunity to see the work at the NURC and presented current research results from a cooperation with the...