
A mobility scenario generation and analysis tool
Copyright © 2002-2011 University of Bonn
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License which is included in the archive.
Attention: Bonnmotion moved to Osnabrück bonnmotion.net
BonnMotion is a Java software which creates and analyses mobility scenarios. It is developed within the Communication Systems group at the Institute of Computer Science 4 of the University of Bonn, Germany, where it serves as a tool for the investigation of mobile ad hoc network characteristics. The scenarios can also be exported for the network simulators ns-2, ns-3, GloMoSim/QualNet, COOJA, MiXiM, and ONE. Several mobility models are supported, namely
- the Random Waypoint model,
- the Random Walk model,
- the Gauss-Markov model,
- the Manhattan Grid model,
- the Reference Point Group Mobility model,
- the Disaster Area model,
- the Random Street model,
- and more.
For further information consult the documentation.
Download BonnMotion 2.0 (2011-11-07)
Download BonnMotion v1.5a (2011-03-03)
Download BonnMotion RPGM Bugfix (2011-03-03)
Download BonnMotion v1.5 (2010-12-23)
Download WiseML patch for v1.4 (2010-07-05).
Download BonnMotion v1.4 (2009-10-28).
Download BonnMotion v1.3a (2009-03-11).
Find answers to your questions on the FAQ page.
List of publications with reference to BonnMotion
Change Log
Changes from version 1.5a to 2.0:
- 3D-Support
- Code Validation Tool
- Authorinformation added to Apps and Models
New models:
- RandomWaypoint3D
- StaticDrift
- SteadyStateRandomWaypoint
- Tactical Indoor Mobility Model
New applications:
- GPXImport - Import GPX traces into BonnMotion
- LongestLink - New Metrics
- ScenarioConverter - Convert 2D/3D models
Changes from version 1.5 to 1.5a:
- Fixed a bug in the RPGM model. Reported by Yue Cao
Changes from version 1.4 to 1.5:
New models:
- Column (integrated by Toilers)
- Nomadic (integrated by Toilers)
- Probabilistic Random Walk (integrated by Toilers)
- Pursue (integrated by Toilers)
- Random Direction (integrated by Toilers)
- Random Street
- Random Walk (integrated by Toilers)
- Static
New applications:
- TheONEFile exporter
- WiseML exporter
Further improvements:
- Extended statistic capabilities
- Performance improvements
Changes from version 1.3a to 1.4:
- Added the Disaster Area model.
- Added support of IntervalFormat (used by COOJA and MIXIM).
- Added statistic dwell time application.
- Fixed several bugs in different models.
Changes from version 1.3 to 1.3a:
- Fixed the bug that prevented the wrapper from executing the OriginalGaussMarkov module.
Changes from version 1.2b to 1.3:
- Changed the semantics of attraction points: While in previous versions, it was the distance from an attraction point which was normally distributed with mean zero (with uniformly distributed directions), it is now the deviation from the attraction point in each dimension which is normally distributed (resulting in distances which follow a Ricean distribution).
- Fixed a bug in the LinkDump module that caused links which go down after simulation end not to be printed.
- Added the OriginalGaussMarkov module, which is more closely related to the Gauss-Markov model as originally proposed (for details please consult the README file).
- Added some features to the previous GaussMarkov model (for details please consult the README file).
Changes from version 1.2a to 1.2b:
- Fixed another bug in the Manhattan Grid model that caused the nodes to move out of the simulation area. Also changed the implementation so that nodes do not start at (0,0) but at random positions using random directions, so the choice of the initialisation phase is less critical.
Changes from version 1.2 to 1.2a:
- Fixed a bug in the Manhattan Grid model that occured when using a pause probability greater than zero and caused mobile nodes to move slower rather than really pausing.
Changes from version 1.1 to 1.2:
- Added the XML schema proposed by Horst Hellbrück <horst.hellbrueck@i-u.de> as a standardised mobility file format for the research program "Schwerpunktprogramm 1140" of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
- Fixed a bug in the Statistics module. This bug resulted in a wrong calculation of the average node degree. (The higher the node count, the smaller was the deviation from the correct value.)
- Added the "Qualnet mode" to the GlomoFile module (starts numbering nodes with 1, not with 0).
Changes from version 1.0 to 1.1:
- Fixed a severe bug in the RPGM implementation.
- Fixed a bug in the Statistics application that lead to wrong calculations of the "partitioning degree".
- Added GlomoSim/Qualnet support (thanks to the University of Karlsruhe).
- Slightly modified the LinkDump application (formerly LinkDurationDump) which is now more intuitive to use.
- Fixed a bug in GaussMarkov that messed up the field size when using parameters from another scenario (using -I).
The first versions of this software were designed and implemented by Michael Gerharz and Christian de Waal. Further extensions have been designed and implemented by Nils Aschenbruck, Alexander Bothe, Tracy Camp (Toilers), Raphael Ernst, Elmar Gerhards-Padilla, Tim Heinrich, Patrick Peschlow, Gary Scheid (Toilers), Florian Schmitt, Matthias Schwamborn, and Chris Walsh (Toilers). Moreover, contributions to code and this documentation have been made by Elmano Ramalho Cavalcanti and Martin Giachino.
The development of the first versions was supported in part by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the
IPonAir project. Since 2008 BonnMotion is partially supported by
CONET, the Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence, funded by the European Commission under FP7 with contract number FP7-2007-2-224053. The project has also been partially supported by the National Science Foundation (under CNS-0905513 and CNS-0848130). Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.